Toddler’s mom asks other parents if they’ve been seeing doctors

While we may be praying to God for a smooth check-up next year, most of us aren’t so lucky. Especially when kids are going through the chaotic early childhood years, a visit to the doctor is more likely to begin with “Welcome back!” Instead of “Hey, long time no see!”

Toddlers can be accident-prone (and susceptible to germs!), and parents of young children can also be prone to anxiety.

Either way, the result is the same: visit your doctor regularly.

So when Tiffany Remington of @ustheremingtons shared her experience taking her child to the doctor to get a mysterious ankle injury checked out, many parents agreed.

“Parents, do you go to the doctor like we do?” she asked. “My daughter had something wrong with her foot last night and it’s swollen this morning. She can’t walk on it. I feel like I’m immersed in toddlerhood.

In her TikTok, Tiffany showed off the chaos often seen during doctor visits, dragging her daughter, who has an ankle injury that prevents her from walking, around a medical center.

“Why do I always forget to bring my stroller?” she lamented.

Parents of young children will understand that Tiffany has no clue as to why their daughter was injured.

“Last night she said she wanted a Band-Aid on her ankle, and she always asks for a Band-Aid somewhere, so we didn’t really think about that,” she explained. “Then she kept waking up throughout the night saying her feet hurt. She wasn’t jumping or doing anything crazy. So of course, tonight was the mellowest of them all, and then this happened.

What is her dominant theory? A day at the beach and walking on uneven sand can cause ankle pain.

Tiffany shared the results of the date and, of course, more to come.

“There’s no real update. We actually had to take X-rays because it was swollen and the doctors thought there might be a fracture, which is crazy because we had no idea what was going on,” she said.

Thankfully, Tiffany is not alone. Many commenters related to the turbulent times of early childhood.

“The number of visits I had as a toddler made me question my own parenting! What was I doing wrong?” Cathylin said.

“Both kids and I have been to the ER once. But the number of urgent care and their doctors… I’ve lost count. 😭😅” shared rach🤍.

“My 19-month-old loves to use his head as a bulldozer, so frequent concussion checks are my life now🥴🫣,” Karliiiiiii said.

sounds good!

Even medical professionals chimed in to let Tiffany know there’s no shame in seeing a doctor regularly.

“Medical receptionist here. Visits the kids regularly, sometimes 3 times a week. Someone every week for 6 months. You’re doing a great job! Teagan_86 said.

So if you’re worried about being the only frequent visitor to your pediatrician’s office, you’re probably not alone! The club may have more members than you expect.

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