How celebrities raise children

No matter how you choose to parent, raising children is a journey and an adventure — and celebrities would agree!

While celebrities often have a huge advantage when it comes to childcare because they can hire nannies, chefs, tutors, etc., many celebrities also Hands-on parents practice various parenting techniques with their children. Because they are famous, they talk about these techniques to share their feelings with interested fans. You might even find that you’re on the exact same page as one of your favorite celebrities: parenting!

Experts define four main parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. There are many offshoots, including Millennial favorites: gentle parenting, attachment parenting, and “free range” parenting. While most parents can’t fit neatly into a little box, there are certain principles that resonate.

Below, find out what celebrities have to say about their parenting.

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attachment parenting

Attachment parenting focuses on emotional and physical intimacy and prioritizes empathy and a deep connection between parent and child. Parents who engage in attachment parenting often resort to breastfeeding, infant carriers, and co-sleeping and avoid sleep training.

kourtney kardashian

Axel/Ball Griffin/FilmMagic

Kardashian practices attachment parenting with her youngest son, Rocky, and spent the first 40 days at home with him.

“In many different cultures, women don’t leave the house for 40 days after giving birth to give the body time to heal,” Kardashian said in her series. The Kardashian family. “I really enjoy attachment parenting. I really wouldn’t be apart from him. I love being at home now and like my time is dedicated to taking care of my baby and bonding with him.”

Mayim Bialik

Greg Deguire/WireImage

former Danger! The host believes so strongly in attachment parenting that she wrote a book about it, Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children with Attachment Parenting. Bialik did not hire a nanny when his children were young, but instead practiced co-sleeping and long-term breastfeeding. “Personally, I believe that cultures that embrace natural hormones during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding may produce humans that are closer to a naturally nurtured state than we are now,” she told us green children’s magazine 2012.

As she explains, Bialik also enjoys a gentle parenting style. “To me, gentle discipline is not permissive parenting, which means parent and child are peers. It’s more about communicating your needs to your child and respecting his needs at the same time. green children’s magazine. “It uses the same logic with your children that you would use with your boss, friend, or spouse. Children are not stupid, and they feel valued when we treat them with respect.

Alanis Morissette

Todd Owyoung/NBC via Getty Images

The musician uses attachment parenting techniques with her three children, Winter, Onyx and Ever, including co-sleeping and unschooling, where the children learn in their own way and on their own schedule, based on their own interests. Morissette shared in 2020: “To me, attachment parenting at its most basic level is eye contact, skin-to-skin contact, responsiveness, gentleness. The word ‘attunement’ is [important] In terms of parenting, but also in marriage, best friendships, and professional relationships. … If we’re not in tune with each other, and we miss each other like passing ships, there’s no chance of building the deep connections that will be the breeding ground for their lives.

Alicia Silverstone

He Dipasupil/WireImage

inability Star Alicia Silverstone is another famous attachment parenting fan and has written a book about pregnancy and childbirth. She describes attachment parenting as “going back to basics and eliminating excess” when raising children. . It strengthens your connection with your child and helps him develop a sense of contentment and belonging to the universe.

gentle nurturing

As the name suggests, gentle parenting is all about guiding your child with empathy and working with your child to set consistent boundaries. Gentle parenting can help reframe behaviors in a way that is understandable because you are standing on their level and listening to how they are feeling.

Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade

Jeff Haynes/NBAE via Getty Images

The actor and NBA star uses gentle parenting techniques with daughter Kaavia, encouraging her to stand up for herself, set boundaries and learn self-compassion. “We give her the freedom to have a say in her space, her appearance and what she wants to do,” Wade explains parents 2023. “The only way we can understand a child is to listen to her and watch her and see what she’s interested in.”

Jordin Sparks

Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images Smile Train

american idol Award winner Jordin Sparks used gentle parenting techniques, including lots of emotional communication, when raising her son DJ. “I pretty much talk to him about a lot of things and we sing and laugh together. If something happens or he gets frustrated or annoyed, I try to talk to him about those feelings, but if that doesn’t work, I Try to do something fun,” she explains.

free range or independent rearing

Free-range parenting encourages children to be kids, as opposed to helicopter parenting. Free-range children can roam freely and learn independence, which will make them more self-sufficient as adults. While most free-range parents do set boundaries for safety reasons, they allow their children to learn from their own behavior.

Angelina Jolie

Karwai Tang/WireImage

When her children were young and the family traveled around the world, Julie loved giving her children a space to explore and learn on their own schedule. “When we travel, I’m the first one to say, ‘Get this done as soon as possible and let’s go out and explore,'” she said in 2011. book.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith

Amy Sussman/WireImage

Jaden and Willow’s parents raised their children with a great deal of independence and allowed them to learn from their own decisions and actions. “The way we treat our kids is that they take responsibility for their own lives,” Will explained in 2013.

When Jaden was 15, he wanted to move out and get away from his family. In 2018, Jada reflected on the moment on her show red table talk, She said she allowed it because she knew it was important to her son. “Every child needs different things,” she explains. “With this lifestyle, the world is a bubble and he wants out. I understand that because I don’t have a bubble. I know what it would bring to have freedom outside the bubble and what I would get out of it. I know I The sooner you let him go, the sooner he will come back.

Tolerant parenting style

Permissive parents rarely say “no” to their children. This parenting style prioritizes the well-being of the child, and parents who practice permissive parenting want to be seen as their children’s friends, not as disciplinarians. Permissive parents are often very warm, welcoming, and fun, although children who grow up in permissive environments don’t always learn responsibility or deal with boundaries and consequences.

kim kardashian

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

In late 2023, Kardashian shared her struggles with permissive parenting and trying to establish stricter rules and boundaries for her four children. “Like why can I run these businesses and be so determined, but then when I’m at home I turn into a giant asshole? I can’t do that,” Kardashian shared on the show. kardashian family. “This is my most important job and I can’t let anyone run over me.” She added that if she could “do it over again,” she would take a stricter approach.

a firm or strict upbringing

Firm or strict parents believe in rules, consequences, and establish firm boundaries and limits for their children to help them grow. (This is not to be confused with authoritarian parents, who are extremely strict with their children and hold them to the same high standards that the children are taught to obey without question.)

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.

Photo by Jerrold Harris/Getty Images for Knott’s Scary Farm

The elderly couple consider themselves “pretty strict” parents to their daughter Charlotte and son Rocky. Children have household chores and responsibilities and are not allowed to use social media. “They have to understand the value of working for material things,” Guerra previously said. people now. “So I don’t believe in paying kids to do chores, I feel like it’s part of living in a house and you have a responsibility to take care of the house.”

In 2021, Prinz told US Weekly He and Gellar are “strict as hell” and have “100 rules” for their kids. “They know they can’t break [those rules],” he explained. “Friendships come and go. I always tell my kids that family is forever. So we have rules and they have to follow them.

Kate Hudson

Felipe Santiago/Getty Images

Hudson, a mother of three, joked that she was much stricter than her mother, actress Goldie Hawn. In an interview with mother and daughter people, Horne told her daughter that she was “more organized” than a mother. “You charted your course with great determination.”

Khloe Kardashian

Weiss Eubanks/NBCUniversal via Getty Images

Unlike older sister Kim, who is working on her own parenting style, Khloe Kardashian is a determined, strict parent who believes in sticking to a schedule for her children, True and Tatum. “I’m really strict. I have a schedule. I’m very aggressive with the way I raise True and I believe schedules save the day,” Khloe previously said of her approach.

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