If you like “ACOTAR”, you can watch 9 TV shows

I was so excited when I heard that Hulu was picking up the work of Sarah J. Maas Court of Thorns and Roses (or akota (abbreviated) was adapted into a series. Although – confession time – I actually skipped right to Court of Silver FlameI loved the book and the memes and thought the whole thing would make a really fun, crazy watch, Outlander…if they could figure out how to take out Lysander and the other Batboys.

But unfortunately, the TV series adaptation seems to be stalled at the moment. (This is a shame, because when it was announced in 2021, it was being developed by Ronald D. Moore, who adapted Outsiders—— That is, someone with a good track record. But really, there are plenty of shows to tide you over in the meantime. I happen to be an expert, aka chronic fantasy girl, who loves dark-haired, morally gray love interests as much as anyone.

So here are some shows that should keep you busy right now. Or at least until someone realizes they really should adapt crescent city.

my lady jane

I wasn’t interested at first my lady janewhich is loosely based on one of the saddest chapters in British royal history. The real Lady Jane Gray (or those around her, anyway) vied for the throne after the death of Henry VIII’s ailing son and heir Edward, but didn’t get very far – hence her nickname as the “Nine Day Queen” ”. (You can probably guess what happened to her at the end of the nine days.) She looked depressed. Well, twist, the show is actually a crazy paranormal romance that takes the concept of the real Lady Jane Grey, and turns it into something delightfully crazy… and for some reason And shapeshifters? Now we get down to business!

Vikings: Valhalla

ok your favorite part Court of Silver Flame Nesta and the other Valkyries basically did hundreds of pages of CrossFit and then had huge success. Do I have a show for you? A spin-off of the beloved History Channel show vikingsThe heart and soul of the show is Fredis Eriksdotter, who journeys across the North Atlantic in search of revenge. She spent a lot of time swinging a sword while the incredibly handsome Harald Sigurdsson stared at her with a little heart emoji. It’s gory, it’s gory, it’s awesome.

discovery of witch

This show is completely underrated. Every outfit is gorgeous; every outfit is luxurious and stunning. They are in Venice! They’re in Oxford! They’re in a French chateau! They were in an amazing farmhouse in upstate New York and I would do illegal and unethical things to own it! Yes, the chemistry between witch/historian Diana Bishop and vampire/geneticist Matthew Clairmont is also really good, and they make an amazing couple. The premise is that witches and vampires almost hate each other, but circumstances force them to work together…and we all know how that turns out. Additionally, the series will be released on Netflix on August 19th.

wheel of time

Sometimes, you just need some good, old-fashioned sword-and-sorcery fantasy. Nothing fits the bill more than this wheel of timeIt tells the story of a group of young men from a small village who are embroiled in an epic battle between good and evil, as they often do in such themes. It had institutional infighting and intrigue, a lot of powerful women, and a huge obsession I had as a teenager, when it was just a thousand-page book series, al’Lan Mandragoran.


We can’t skip the iconic century-spanning story of Jamie and Claire Fraser, a couple who will absolutely drive you crazy in real life but who make great partners on TV because they Addressed the challenges of the Jacobite era in Scotland and (spoiler) the American colonies. If you haven’t seen this one yet, it’s time; if you have, why not rewatch it? Plus, this will actually grab your husband’s attention, too, so it’s a great show to enjoy together from the comfort of your couch in the fall. There are many, many seasons now too, so it should keep you busy for a while.

ring of power

Obviously, Lord of the Rings Movies always bring you back and I strongly encourage you to make this decision. But why not try out Amazon’s new show? The story is set during the rise of Sauron and revolves around the creation of the Ring that caused Frodo and others a lot of trouble. I’m sorry to say that Soren is indeed a hottie.


Let’s be honest: I found the most important stories wizard Despite a lifetime of reading masterpiece fantasy novels, it’s still a little confusing and hard to follow. (Probably because I insist on scrolling while watching TV, like the rest of you.) I could easily see Henry Cavill playing the titular wizard Geralt of Rivia. of Rivia) while battling various monsters of the week. Sure, they’ve recast the character and Liam Hemsworth is now taking over, but he’s not that bad. What can I say? I’m a simple woman who just likes big men wearing leather pants and killing monsters.

Soul Alchemy

You could also try another subgenre that often features fantasy themes: Korean dramas! Meet Alchemy of the Soul. We have witchcraft, we have miraculous body transformations, we have star-crossed love. in this case, she is a morally gray love interest. You may also likeThe love between fairies and demons or The story of Kyuubialso.

Shadow and Bones

Everyone knows Prince Caspian is all grown up, and yes, he’s bad news, but he’s also handsome? If you missed the Netflix adaptation Shadow and Bonesfollow the map maker’s travails, and then—surprise! ——Extremely powerful magic holder, it’s time to correct this fact. Just don’t get too romantic about General Alexander Killigan.

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