Problems and Solutions for Today’s Modern Mom – Podcast Ep 150

Problems and Solutions for Today’s Modern Mom – Podcast Ep 150

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While raising children is wonderful, it can also be difficult. Every parent knows this. While some of the parenting challenges faced by previous generations still apply, we are experiencing entirely new challenges that we have never dealt with before. I’m not saying that other generations haven’t had their own battles. Of course, they did. There is no doubt about it. However, I can think of some entirely new struggles. Some that come to mind are:

  • As a parent browsing social media, try not to constantly compare yourself (compare yourself to other parents and compare your children to other children).
  • Don’t let your kids have too much screen time—it’s not just TV anymore, it’s also tablets and smartphones.
  • The pressure to be the Pinterest-perfect mom—having the best crafts and birthday parties, organic meals and healthy, wholesome after-school snacks, always saying yes to volunteering at school, etc.
  • Feeling like you have to stay home so others don’t have to “raise your kids” and still contribute financially to the family.
    • Or “work like you don’t have kids” but “raise your kids like you don’t work.”
  • Don’t give your kids a cell phone too early (but when you do), figure out the parental controls and keep them off social media.

The list goes on. Since we cannot look to our parents for solutions to these problems, we are left to solve them ourselves. No one knows this better than modern mom Mrs. Purbus Tara Clark. Since 2017, she has been speaking out with humor about the issues that mothers face today. We all just do our best. We got to chat with Tara on the show to hear her thoughts and solutions to modern mommy problems!

Who is Tara Clark?

Tara Clark lies on the floor surrounded by toy cars. She was smiling broadly and seemed to be taking a selfie. She had curly hair and wore a sleeveless black top with a collar. Toy cars come in a variety of colors and types.

Tara Clark is an author, speaker, content creator, podcaster, and founder of Modern Mom Probs. After becoming a mom, she recognized a hole in the online space for moms to communicate authentically, so she launched her Instagram account in 2017. The humorous, trusted voice in parenting. Tara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Villanova University and an MBA in Media Management from Metropolitan College in New York. She currently lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.

What did we discuss?

In this episode, we talk to Tara Clark about modern motherhood. We wanted to talk to Tara about some of the most common struggles modern moms face and the solutions to help us move forward. Here are a few of the questions we discussed during our conversation:

  • What are some of the most common issues modern mothers face today?
  • In your experience, what are some effective strategies to help you juggle motherhood, work, and your personal life?
  • Social media often portrays an idealized version of motherhood, which can lead to comparison and feelings of inadequacy. How do you solve this problem?
  • The mental burden of motherhood, including managing household chores, schedules, and emotional labor, is a significant challenge for many mothers. How do you raise awareness of this issue?
  • Parenting is sometimes likened to a competitive sport, with the pressure to excel in every aspect. How can you advocate for a more supportive and empathetic approach to parenting?
  • What are some ways moms can combat loneliness?
  • How do you encourage moms to prioritize their mental health and well-being amid the demands of parenthood, especially in a culture that often celebrates busyness and self-sacrifice?
  • How can the modern mom prioritize self-compassion and self-care when she feels overwhelmed or burned out?
  • If you could give one piece of advice to modern mothers, what would it be?

Moms, we are human. We make mistakes. However, we need to remember that we are doing our best, and we have done our best. Give yourself more grace as you navigate this stage of motherhood (and the next, and the next). If you’re listening to this episode, you’re probably Very Good mother. We hope you feel the love and support you deserve.

Tara Clark’s Resources

Thanks for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Please let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you’d like us to discuss. Cheers to being a thriving modern mom!

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