Things to get when you find out you’re expecting

Congratulations! Discovering that you’re pregnant can be magical and terrifying at the same time. Each month will be different and you’ll go on this journey while learning that your body can do amazing things as your baby grows.

The first step, if you haven’t done so already, is to make an appointment with your OB/GYN or midwife. You’re going to want to have a conversation with your doctor to discuss your care and to determine the hospital or home birth of your child, while figuring whether or not you desire to have your baby naturally or with medication.

“The pace of being pregnant gives you, not only time to grow your baby, but to grow into the mother that you’re going to be.”

Once you visit with your OB/GYN, you’re going to want to follow these steps below:

Order A Pregnancy Pillow

You will thank us for this later but it will help you to sleep comfortably as your belly grows. Pregnancy pillows contour to your body, supports your belly, and your baby will love it too.

Loose Fitting Pants

It’s still early but start planning on having a wardrobe of loose fitting clothes. Yoga pants are great for running errands and everyday activities. Yoga pants don’t have to be fancy but we love these yoga pants with pockets.

Keep Yourself Fit

Start now working on your fitness because the sooner-the-better and it will make a natural birth easier for you to push. Order a yoga ball and strengthen your body, especially your pelvic area and your lower abdominals to prepare for birth.

Stay Hydrated

Now that you’re drinking for two, you need to stay hydrated. One of the things we love is this beautiful water bottle designed especially for moms that track your water intake right on the side of the bottle.

Hear Your Baby’s Heartbeat

You’re going to want to listen to your baby’s little heartbeat as it grows inside your womb. You can use a fetal doppler monitor to accomplish this while making sure your baby is doing just fine.

The above recommendations are just the tip of the iceberg of things you’ll need throughout your pregnancy. Be sure to subscribe to our site to be notified of other lists as your baby grows.

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