I don’t just scroll social media. . . That's why I'm always on my phone

I don’t just scroll social media. . . That’s why I’m always on my phone

With the impact technology has on our daily lives in this day and age, I can’t be the only one who finds it hard to disconnect from my phone as much as I would like. As a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and preschooler (in other words, I have a million and two tabs open in my head on a regular basis), I’m not always proud of the amount of screen time I log in on my iPhone. But do I need to speak the truth loud and clear? I don’t just browse social media.

Whether you’re a stranger passing me by in public and passing judgment while I scroll with my phone at my waist with the kids, or you’re a familiar face documenting every time I seem distracted, Hear me out. Yes, I’m on my phone all the time. But the truth is not what you think. this is me actually is doing.

As moms, our to-do lists are never-ending

There is something to be said about the mental burden us moms carry for our families. In fact, I truly believe we could (and probably should) have an entire conversation on this topic. As the matriarch of our clan, our to-do list never ends. We are constantly thinking, planning, organizing, arranging, and researching. . . In short, we are doing it all. All day, every day. And our phones happen to be an excellent tool for managing mothers’ daily psychological burden. so what yes You ask me, do I do this when I seem to be scrolling all the time?

I’m looking into everything

Someone has to make a wise decision for my children, and it won’t be my children themselves. At least while they were little, they were completely dependent on me to raise them to be healthy, educated, happy people. So I keep researching everything Related to children. I’m looking for the best shoe brands for early walkers, the most natural, dye-free pain relievers for teething toddlers, and the most popular preschool programs for my oldest daughter. I’m comparing gymnastics gyms and soccer programs, pediatric gastroenterologists and dentists, and the best resorts for family vacations. Heck, I’m even working on the least exciting TV shows. Now that we admit we are victims of screen time, then yes. . . My kids get it every day too.

I’m scheduling everyone’s appointments, classes, and activities (ironically, my own)

No matter how easily I fall behind in meeting my own schedule, there is no room for falling behind in raising my children. I regularly use my phone to schedule, reschedule, and confirm appointments for my kids. Between wellness exams and routine exams, annual blood tests, specialist visits, and everything in between, keeping up with my kids’ medical appointments requires a lot of attention to detail. In this case, it requires keeping an eye on my phone—almost all health portals, appointment reminders, and results are accessible via mobile apps. The same goes for scheduling ballet classes and music lessons for Mom and Me. Everything is online; therefore, it all happens on my phone.

I’m arranging play dates and social opportunities

As a stay-at-home mom, I feel tremendous pressure to make sure my son and daughter have ample opportunities to socialize with other children. Play dates are an important part of achieving this goal. But they don’t happen naturally without a lot of planning and coordination. I’m constantly texting back and forth with mom friends, arranging playground parties and backyard get-togethers, signing up for weekly story time at the local library, RSVPing for birthday parties (not to mention planning birthday party). If I don’t value my social interactions, I know my children won’t be able to do the same. Isn’t that what mobile phones are for?

I’m making a shopping list (and submitting a Target pickup order)

A woman wearing a yellow shirt and white jacket sits in the driver's seat of a car, scrolling on her smartphone. A child in a car seat sits in the back, smiling and extending a hand. The interior of the car is bright with natural light.

Groceries (as well as clothes, art supplies, and countless other items) tend to disappear with the kids. I will never understand how my family goes through so many boxes of applesauce bags in one week. but i Do Knowing that if we forget to stock up, this week won’t be easy. This is one of the many reasons why writing endless shopping lists seems to be my pastime. While I may always prefer good old-fashioned pen and paper, most of the time it’s far more convenient to use the note-taking features of my phone. So, yeah, I’m on a roll. . . But it’s all in the name of feeding happy, well-fed little humans.

I will keep my extended family updated on my children’s living conditions

My children are blessed to have a lot of love in their lives. That said, we are unlucky because most love comes from afar. We may not be able to see their out-of-town grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, cousins, and friends as often as we would like. However, I can keep my loved ones informed of the situation through social media. Today, it’s simply impossible to have a long phone conversation with the person who cares most about my children. You bet I’ll take advantage of group chats and quick and easy photo sharing!

I just want to live

No matter what I’m doing on my phone at any given time of day, one thing remains constant: I’m just trying to survive. I was checking off my to-do list for my kids and family and came up with a dozen more. and then? I’ll be the first to admit that I still scroll mindlessly from time to time. I’m a mom, not a superhero. Sometimes I also need a break from the endless expectations of my day-to-day life.

I don’t know how much time I use my phone every day, but I do know this: I’m not mindlessly obsessed with social media, and I’m certainly not slacking off with nothing to do. Instead, as a mother, I am constantly completing the many tasks at hand and doing them for others around me. So next time you see me — or any other mom — staring at that trusty smartphone, I encourage you to rethink what you might be thinking. Because I promise you: we do more than just scroll.

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