I’m not ready for my pubic hair to turn gray

Honestly, I’ll admit that due to the foolish overconfidence of youth, I’m actually a little excited about gray hair. Silver is a descendant of my family, so it’s easy to imagine myself growing older into a bohemian Stockard Channing character, or better yet, Aunt May. tornado. I imagine this will start on the earlier side as well. I imagined myself at 45 with a beautiful, stylish vibe, like some kind of artist or witch as a cool supporting character in a romantic comedy.

Obviously, I never thought about the crow’s feet that come with gray hair, or the increasingly specific conditions under which I need to sleep, or how weird my period would get. I told you this was overconfident talk from young people.

Well, here I am, and it just so happens that I only have a handful of silver buds sprouting. From the top of my head, that’s it. Downstairs was suddenly a different story. and i am no Love it. This is no Charming.

I probably first noticed it while doing some light grooming under the bright lights of the bathroom. (What can I say – the lighting in front of the full-length mirror isn’t great, and usually I look at where the hem of the skirt meets the boots. Not whether the curtains match the curtains.) When I look closely, so to speak, I’m there Remove weeds. How could I have never noticed that my hair down there was a little…ashy blonde? Is it possible that your pubic hair has ash-blonde highlights? Does your pubic hair change color? I took a closer look. It turned out to be no Ash blondes, or old money blondes, or any other type of blonde. Not as dark as the hair on my head.

No, it’s gray.

Gray, like the hair on the head of some grizzled, alcoholic detective in a Scandinavian noir novel. Gray, like a tin can. gray, like the walls of any early house flip or flip episode. Guys, put that V-shaped pillow out there and list it on Zillow circa 2015.

mine pubic hair want to go gray.

And gray isn’t even silver!

I’ve never been particularly afraid of aging. It happens, and I always thought I would be good at it as I got older. I certainly enjoy becoming less and less concerned about things that don’t matter as time goes by. I felt strongly that I deserved every creaky joint, fine line, and freckle that was actually growing into an age spot. I know a lot, and – more importantly, compared to when I was younger and more insecure – I know what I know and what I don’t know, and I now feel empowered to get the latter answers.

But having said that, I’m not ready for this. It’s not like no one warned me! There is one sex and city An episode about this phenomenon. Samantha happened to find a gray hair in season six and immediately dyed her pubic hair, turning her entire groin into Bozo the Clown. i don’t even remember This episode left too little impression on me; if I had watched it, I would have thought she was crazy and did such a stupid thing and was so complacent. ID As I get older, I never lose my sense of proportion.

Well, I’m not saying I’m giving up on hair dye…but I’m definitely getting closer to Prince William’s post-bald hair style. Someone passes the trimmer.

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