Transitioning a toddler from a crib to a kid-size bed with a crib and teddy bears in the photo.

Tips For Transitioning From Toddler Bed To Kid-Size Bed

When you are a parent, you know that you’re going to go through a lot of transitions and changes in your life. As your children grow and change so do their needs. Of the many changes they are going to experience, one change is transitioning from a toddler bed to a big kid-size bed. Soon enough, your child will outgrow what used to be a comfortable mattress for them, and they will need ample space to accommodate them while sleeping.

Transitioning a toddler from a crib to a kid-size bed with a crib and teddy bears in the photo.

However, this transition might not be as smooth or as simple as buying a new bed. Children are creatures of habit, and it is going to take them some time to get used to a new bed.

To help you out, here are some tips that you can follow to help make the transition easier:

1. Consider Your Child’s Needs

Above anything else, it is paramount to keep your child’s needs in mind. If you look around your trusted Home Depot™, you will find there are numerous options to choose from. Without thinking about what your child needs, you’re only going to drown in a sea of possibilities.

Take note of the following, for instance:

  • Space constraints in your child’s room. Remember that apart from sleep, it is also imperative for your child to have enough room to play. This is precisely why your child’s room should not have too much bulky furniture in it. Before you shop, you should’ve already measured your child’s room to select the perfect size bed for your kid’s room.
  • Tall Toddlers. The size of your toddler, as some children are naturally taller than others despite their age, it is important to keep their height in mind as they grow, especially if both parents are tall.
  • Customizing. Keep in mind any other personal requests from your toddler, such as the color and even the bedsheet details. Addressing these can also help make the transition easier for them.
  • Medical Issues. Consider any possible medical concerns of your child, particularly if they need better back support.

2. Time The Switch

Children are creatures of habit and it can be very stressful for them to go through too many changes at once. This might be inevitable since growing up will entail a lot of biological and emotional changes. If you force too much change at once, it can be difficult for a young mind to process, so take one transition at a time.

There is no hard-and-fast rule as to when the “right” or “best” time will be. It will be up to the readiness of your child. Other children may transition earlier and easier than others, while others need to grow up a bit more. As each child differs, it’s up to you as a parent to detect when your child is ready to make the change. Moreover, don’t be pressured by others who may have already transitioned. Don’t force the issue. Allowing your child to transition when they’re ready is one of the best ways to make it easier for both of you.

3. Be Very Particular About The Features Of Your Kid’s Bed

The price of the bed shouldn’t be the only determining factor as you also need to consider its features, which you have to be very particular. More than just the design, the bed that your child will sleep in should have the following features:

  • Always choose a sturdy bed. Remember that children naturally tend to move around, given their age of curiosity. When they’re awake, the bed can often serve as a playground where they’ll be doing a lot of jumping, twisting, and turning. Hence, the bed should be sturdy enough to withstand all of these movements.
  • Select a bed that isn’t too high. Although your child is growing from a toddler to a more mature child, this doesn’t mean that they are immune to falls and accidents. These are inevitable in children, but it can make your transition easier when you don’t have to worry about your child suddenly having a bad fall.
  • The mattress should also fit the size of the bed. It should also be comfortable enough for the growing needs of your child. Take note of its functions such as proper back support. You can find these from quality mattress stores like the Amerisleep mattress store in Glendale, if you’re from the Arizona area.

4. Take Your Kid With You As You Shop

Most children often know what they want and are able to make some decisions, which can make selecting a new bed easier for you. Bring your child with you as you shop for a new bed, so it will create a sense of excitement when they think about moving to a brand new bed that they’ll love.

There might be a few challenges when your child transitions from a smaller bed to a bigger one, such as your child being defiant or uncomfortable during the first few nights. But this is one change you can help them embrace. When selecting a new bed, always keep their needs in mind, time the switch, consider the bed’s features and take them shopping with you to make the transition from one bed to another easier for both you and your child.

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