This mum claims your child’s birth story reflects their personality

Have you ever felt like your child told you who they are early on? That’s certainly true for TikTok user @lotsamiles. “If you’re a parent, what do you think about this? Because I’m right,” she began. “The way your children live is absolutely how they came into this world. How they were born.

Honestly? I felt this right away, but for those who don’t, she has an explanation.

Her first child was born in a “predictable labor.” She described the birth as “deliberate” and without any particularly dramatic moments. “He’s still like that to this day,” she said, noting that her son remains cautious, aware of the consequences and inclined to play it safe.

“My second? His birth was an absolute fucking mess.

He was born a month early, but despite his haste, he didn’t need to stay in the NICU. “He just lost five pounds and was like, ‘I’m here.’ I’m ready to go to Earth. Are you ready? … If you’ve seen the movie scene where all of a sudden she’s like, ‘Here comes the baby,’ then That’s me. …I have amniotic fluid coming out of my shoes, a bunch of guys taking off my pants, a screaming husband demanding that anyone but him deliver this baby, and here’s how. he Travel across the world. This is absolutely crazy.

“There’s no regard for personal safety because they’re going to get hurt,” she continued, exhausted. “No idea. A trillion miles an hour every day.

Like I said: I don’t need convincing. I have this feeling in my spirit that I am not alone. Hundreds of comments agreed.

“My triplets were born via C-section, and the third one – to this day, 17 years later – was like, ‘You guys tell me what’s going on first,'” one commenter laughed road.

“My second baby came out first and she’s been a punch in the gut ever since,” another mused.

“The first man born was stargazing (facing the wrong direction) and has not come down from the clouds since then,” replied a third. “The second emergency induction was too early and confusing. Five years later, he is still the same hard-working kid.

Luckily, I wouldn’t change my intensely stubborn, indecisive eldest son, nor my helpful but clumsy younger child, and I bet neither would the moms of even the most chaotic kids.

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