John Legend releases new family album ‘My Favorite Dream’

The name John Legend has become synonymous with two things: melodic sound and family. His new album for children and families, My Favorite Dream, is a match made in musical heaven.

Comprised of nine original songs by Legend and three reimagined songs by Fisher-Price, the album isn’t your typical kid’s playlist. “My Favorite Dream” maintains the legendary brand’s sexy and soulful melodies, with elements of classical piano. He is also survived by his wife Chrissy Teigen, daughter Luna (8) and son Miles (6).

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Co-produced by singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sufjan Stevens, the album is full of whimsical sing-alongs and lullabies that adults and children alike will love.

The inspiration behind “My Favorite Dream”

Legend was inspired to write the album by his wife’s suggestion that he sing their toddler Estee’s favorite song “Maybe,” about Purple on the Bubblegum Tree, from Fisher-Price Kick & Play Piano Gym. Monkey’s hit songs.

The multi-platinum, 12-time Grammy Award winner and EGOT winner took to Instagram to post a precious family moment of him performing the song. Fisher watched the video, commented on the collaboration, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The legend recently took some time out of his busy schedule to chat with you parents About his new album, the impact of music on his parenting, and how the influence of his parents, especially his father, shaped the trajectory of his life.

About “My Favorite Dream”

As a parent, Legend understands the power of creating habits of positive affirmations and how words and music can impact a child’s confidence, character development, and integrity.

“Everything on this album is inspired by the message we’re trying to share with kids to inspire, motivate, comfort, and help them sleep,” Legend said. Came down and wrote down a series of ideas based on the message we wanted to share with them, and created a song around those ideas.

Through songs like “Go to Sleep” and “Great, Great Day,” it’s clear how intentional Legend is about using this album to inspire and encourage families and children.

“I love ‘The Great, Great Day.’ It’s one of the Fisher-Price classics we’ve covered,” Legend explained. “It’s really about understanding that when you go through hard times and make resolutions, you stay optimistic about things to come. And, I think adults can use this message as well.

Photo by Parent/Patricia Lloyd

Kid-friendly themes on the album range from the power of love to dealing with grief, as well as themes surrounding comfort and family. And, it’s curated in a way that the whole family can enjoy together.

“I hope it inspires [families]making them love music more. I hope the album can give [families] Something that can be combined together. Legend further quipped: “And, hopefully, [the album] Put the kids to sleep!

As listeners quickly learn, the first part of the album is more fun, playful, and appropriate for the day. And, the second half is designed to help kids calm down and fall asleep.

“What I hope kids and adults alike take away from this album is the central theme of love,” he said. .

Legend further shared, “From family to music, from charity work to everything I do in business, love is a central theme in my life,” he added. “This song captures the spirit I always wanted for this album. I wrote it as an ode to celebrate our shared humanity and bring a smile to people’s faces. I hope this song will be uplifting and inspiring to everyone .

For Legend, family is his top priority

Despite his success, Legend has never hesitated to say that his family is his first priority and that he has always been a father figure with a strong positive attitude in his life.

“For a period of time during my adolescence, I grew up as a single parent with my father. My parents were divorced and we [he and his siblings] I lived with my father for most of my teenage years. I was lucky to not only have a father who is now black, but also a loving man who showed me admirable masculinity and taught us how to be good men,” Legend said.

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We asked Legend about the fallacy of the concept of the absentee black father, and why this narrative can be dangerous.

“I think part of the myth of absentee black fathers comes from the statistics that there are many unmarried black mothers. However, I know from personal experience that even if the father is not married to the mother, that doesn’t mean the father is less present and involved. The lives of their children. If you look further into the statistics, you will find that black fathers are very concerned about the development of their children, even if they are not married to the mother,” he explained.

Positive benefits of music education

Legend makes it clear that it’s never too early to share the endless possibilities of musical talent.

“I didn’t know life without music, and my parents were always ready to share music with us. I grew up in the church. My mother was the church choir director, and my grandmother was the church organist. So, I was I grew up around a lot of music. I went to choir rehearsals all the time, and I started taking piano lessons when I was four years old.”

Since schools often cut the program when funding is low, we asked Legend about music education and the importance of exposing children to different types of music at a young age.

“Even if you’re not going to be a professional musician, I really think that an arts education and a music education will make you a better person,” Legend said. “[Kids become] Be more well-rounded, more empathetic, and connected to the rest of the world. I think it’s important for parents to make a conscious effort to expose their children to art and music. Our school system must foster [those gifts] We also provide funding for music education and arts education.

Advice for children and teenagers who play musical instruments

For parents who have teenagers who play piano, guitar or any other instrument and are considering giving up the musical subject, Legend deftly offers some advice.

“It’s funny because I always meet people like this – I stopped playing when I was 12 years old and now I regret it so much. I think even when you don’t want to practice, you have to keep going,” he said .

However, Legend admits that not everything is for everyone, including music.

“I think it can be a good strategy to try a lot of different things early on. At some point, you start to figure out what you really like and what you’re really good at, and then you can focus on that,” Legend explained. “So if it’s not music to some people, that’s okay, they can focus on other things.”

For Legend, there’s no doubt music is his passion, and with this new family-focused collaboration and album, it’s clear he’s creating space and opportunities for his love of music to grow from passed down from one generation to the next.

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