What steps should I take when preparing for divorce in California?

Last updated on May 23, 2024 by Kathy

In 2021, there were 689,308 divorce cases in the United States. .

Deciding to file for divorce is a big decision and not one that anyone makes on a whim. Most people get married believing that the relationship will last forever, so it can be very painful when you realize that this person is not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Whether they cheated on you or you’ve become estranged, it’s important to take the right steps as this will ensure a smoother divorce process.

Do you meet the residency requirements?

To file for divorce in California, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months.

Talk to a Divorce Lawyer

Find an attorney who specializes in family law. They will help you navigate the complex world of spousal support, child custody, and property disputes. A good divorce attorney can explain your rights and help you understand what to expect. Choose the right attorney who will support you through the often difficult process so that you ultimately reach a satisfactory settlement.

Gavel, divorce law book and wedding rings on wooden table
Gavel, divorce law book and wedding rings on wooden table

Consider the benefits of mediation and collaborative divorce

The last thing anyone wants is a contentious divorce. When this happens, no one wins, especially your mutual children. Mediation is a great way to negotiate amicably in the presence of a neutral third party. It is much better to reach a fair decision regarding asset distribution and child custody than to fight over every last penny in court.

Online divorce mediation is an option that provides couples with an accessible and confidential space to have constructive conversations and create a collaborative environment even while physically separated. Through virtual platforms like Bliss Divorce, a San Francisco-based online divorce mediator, couples can address concerns, share documents, and work towards a mutually agreeable solution. This digital approach not only saves time and resources, but also allows for a smoother transition and ensures a more harmonious relationship after divorce.

Organize all your financial documents

During a divorce, your finances will be scrutinized, so it pays to get everything in order. Gather bank statements, property deeds, tax returns, and any other documents your spouse’s attorney asks to see. This ensures a fair distribution of marital assets between the parties.

financial documents

Develop a parenting plan

Make sure you put your child’s needs first. Talk to your spouse and develop a parenting plan that addresses issues such as who will have primary custody, visitation rights for the non-resident spouse, and who will make decisions about child-related matters. When you resolve any issues, try to be friendly.

Be prepared for last-minute orders

A judge may need to issue temporary orders to address pressing issues such as child custody, spousal support, and other forms of support. Make sure you understand the process and present your case promptly if needed.

Have a support system in place

Divorce is stressful, even if the decision was mutual and you and your spouse handled everything amicably. Have a support system in place so you have people to talk to and share the emotional burden when necessary.

Remember, no two divorces are the same, so even if one friend’s divorce was difficult, it doesn’t mean yours will be.

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