Lazy parents raise more independent kids, says this mom

A mum hopes to encourage more parents to get lazy when it comes to serving and caring for their children. After talking to another parent, she realized that not all children are as independent and self-sufficient as hers. She wants to share with other parents how she ensures her children are able to care for themselves in an age-appropriate way.

“I had friends visiting recently. One of their children… is a year older than my oldest. My friend said, ‘I’m doing something wrong.’ “I said, ‘What are you doing wrong?’ She said, ‘Your kids are so independent. They make their own meals. They grab snacks. They like to spread their own bagels,” recalls TikTok mom @leahova.

“Her son said, ‘I want breakfast.’ And…basically, if she doesn’t make him a bagel, he…can’t have a bagel. I was like, ‘You just have to be lazy. a little.

She thinks everyone is helping their children too much.

“The best way to parent is high attention, low distraction. How do you say that? Is it a thing? I think it’s a thing. Be there for them, if they need you, be there for them. But just Like, “Honey, I’m drinking coffee right now. You can go get it yourself,” she continued.

She recalled a time when her children had friends over and they wanted a snack. She gives them the apple, but when they question how they’re going to eat it without cutting it open…she demands they figure it out.

“I thought, ‘Don’t you know how to eat an uncut apple?'”

She continued, “To be honest, I think there are really 10-year-old kids who don’t know what to do… You can always tell kids whose parents do everything for them. I want everyone to know that you can be more Being lazy. Honestly, it might make your child a better person to be a lazy parent.

After her post gained attention, several TikTok users commented on the video to express their opinions on her trending remarks.

“This is not lazy parenting, this is raising capable people! 🥰” one user wrote.

“My mother’s favorite saying is, ‘I raised you to leave me,'” another said.

One added, “I hear people say ‘raise capable kids’ and they can make a mess. But they can also learn to clean it up.

Others couldn’t agree with her and wondered whether her children (or herself) would be capable of following through.

“I struggled with it because they were so slow at doing everything. It was torture.

For parents who are always busy and on the go, helping their children develop independence and responsibility can be difficult, it is truly an exercise in patience, but the rewards seem to be worth it!

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