At any grocery store for any of my five kids, they inevitably throw a few items into their cart that I didn’t include on my list: Goldfish, Sour Patch Kids, Little Bites, Pringles, cookies, and Donut.

Sometimes I tell them to put some snacks, candy, or baked goods back in, but a lot of the time I don’t. I think as long as my kids eat well-balanced meals that include fruits and vegetables, they can enjoy good food at home.

Andres/Getty Images

It turns out there’s a name for parents like me: I’m Mama Gummy Bear. Why? Because apparently, if you allow your kids to eat junk food more than once a year for their birthdays and rely on Costco to stock up on food for your perpetually hungry kids, then you’re not just a regular mom, you’re a gummy bear mom.

Gummy Bear Mama vs Almond Mama?

According to a TikTok creator who shares content under the handle @drjustyna, one perception of the gummy bear mother is that she is the opposite of the almond mother. In her video explaining the label, the self-confessed bear mom explains that when you don’t micromanage what your kids eat, or you’re willing to try a new trendy snack, then you qualify.

Interestingly, in the comments section, many gummy bear moms said they were raised by almond moms and chose to carry snacks and snacks with them to cope with their over-supervised upbringing.

Whatever the psychology behind it, from where I sit, the freezer is stocked with frozen breakfast options and chicken nuggets, the freezer has quick-access options for my busy kids like cheese sticks and yogurt tubes, and there’s a pantry The pantry, filled with a variety of chips, granola and cereal, is simply a way to survive. Because my kids won’t settle for a celery stick and a handful of raisins between a long day of school and an evening of swimming, tennis, or dance class.

Meanwhile, another TikToker and proud mama bear @authenicallyamanda12 shared a glimpse of her well-stocked kitchen in a short video, assuring users, “Don’t worry. There are plenty of fruits and veggies that are easily accessible.”

This is important for those of us who allow some processed foods into our homes. Just because I don’t ban cheese from my kitchen, doesn’t mean I won’t buy organic food and fresh produce for my family.

Our families do things that work for us

In our case, we rarely eat out, so my kids probably eat home cooked meals seven days a week. I wouldn’t feel guilty if they indulged in a bowl of ice cream after a dinner of lasagna, broccoli, and garlic bread — even TikTok moms who admit to being gummy bear moms are being judged fairly In the comments on their post, they dared the dye to run over their children’s lips.

Listen, it’s important to read food labels, I do that too. But it’s also important to enjoy life with my family and not let my kids get too paranoid about what they eat. But don’t worry, we’re talking about balance and moderation, and making good choices.

The choice I’m making? Deciding what is best for our family without consulting TikTok and laughing it off at the end.

I’m sure I’m not the only one tired of labels like almond and gummy bear moms, beige moms, white or black SUV moms, etc. Also, why are dads never labeled? That’s another topic!

Now, I go to Walmart and Costco, which is my way to save money because I try to keep food at home and eat it faster than my active, healthy, happy kids can.

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