A mom who works from home without childcare hits back at haters

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or a work-from-home mom, we’re covered! No matter what we do, we fall short, and we feel guilty about it. Being the have-it-all, do-it-all mom is an impossible task that can drive us to the edge of madness, and one mom wants us to stop worrying about it.

TikTok content creator and work-from-home mom Hannah showed off a morning in her life, working from home with her kids without child care. From personal experience, I know it’s not easy working from home with kids asking for snacks every minute. It’s impossible to wear both hats at the same time without wavering somewhere. Hannah agrees.

She also knows that no matter what situation a mom faces (work, stay at home, hybrid), you are bound to fail somewhere and be judged for it.

“I’m a work-at-home mom of three with no childcare, which apparently pisses off the internet. Hi, I’m Hannah. I’m a 29-year-old stay-at-home mom. I recently shared a video documenting my… Life as a work-at-home mom with three kids I honestly get a lot more kind and positive comments than negative ones, but the negative ones really make me laugh now because it honestly feels like it to me. , it just proves that women can’t win,” she shared.

“If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you’re a lazy person. But obviously, if you choose to be a working mom, you’re terrible because you’re letting other people raise your kids. Oh my gosh. Honestly, I feel like Being a work at home mom myself and being with my kids all day is a sweet feeling, right? Like it’s a lot of work for me, but it’s something I’m willing to make sacrifices for. My family does the best.

She continued, “If you’re a work-from-home parent, it’s hard to be an employee and A mother. Well, Karen, I’m sorry. So if you feel guilty about your situation, don’t do it because no matter what you do, you can’t win. Honestly, this is a freeing perspective and you should try it!

After Hannah’s video gained attention, she received an outpouring of support from other moms who resonated with her perspective.

“Working from home while raising kids is the worst of both worlds. You can’t win for some people. I’m so impressed with every mother who does this. You’re doing a great job, Mom,” one user wrote.

“I wonder how your house is so clean 🤣 I can balance kids and work but I can’t add chores in there to save my life lol,” said another.

OP replied: “I don’t have a cold. Literally, I’m always doing something. Like just sitting and enjoying a moment or reading. No, needs to do something. Honestly, lame😂”

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