help! How to teach your son to shave?

help! How to teach your son to shave?

Are you raising your son alone? You may be thinking, “Isn’t this something his dad should have to deal with?” or “How do I teach my son to shave?!”

Don’t panic because we’ve got you covered. It’s no different than shaving your legs, right? Wrong!

Whether it’s his first shave or just another step in his grooming routine, you can be there to guide him through the process. Just follow our simple steps below.

When do boys start shaving? Hello, adolescence.

When your son reaches puberty or pre-teenage years, it may be time to give them shaving lessons. Some people start shaving as early as 12 years old or even younger. Your son may also start to show an interest in shaving during this time, so be patient and answer his questions. When you see hair growing on his upper lip or chin, or pink fuzz growing on his face, you can move on to teaching him to shave. Even if your son wants to grow a beard, teach him that it’s important to shave the edges to maintain a clean appearance.

Which product is best for first-time users, shavers or razors?

When your son is learning to shave, choosing the right tool plays an important role in making his first shave experience smooth and comfortable. For beginners, it’s usually best to start with a razor, rather than an electric razor. A quality razor like the Gillette Mach3 can provide more control and a closer shave, helping him master the entire process. Gillette’s flexible blades adapt to the contours of the face, reducing the risk of scratches and irritation, which is great for beginners. As your son becomes more confident, he may choose to try different options, but starting with a reliable razor will help him learn the basics of shaving easily.

Teach your son to shave | Gillette Mach3 | Beanstalk Mom

Stockist: Chemist Direct

The best razor is one that is safe and works well on your face. Take him to the store and help him pick out what he wants. Keep in mind that most young people use a manual razor with replacement blades or an electric razor when they first start shaving.

Teaching my son to shave

Electric razors, on the other hand, are convenient and easy to use, but may not offer the same degree of precision. However, products like Braun Series 3 Clean & Close can be used wet or dry and are a good choice when considering long-term costs.

Electric razors can be plugged into a power source or come with rechargeable batteries. Some brands offer gels or creams to protect the skin, taking the guesswork out of choosing. Help him choose a model with a flexible head that fits the contours of his face. It may not give you as clean a shave as a disposable razor…if your son has acne, this is perfect because the razor will reduce irritation.

Braun Electric Shaver | Amazon Australia | Beanstalk MomStockist: Amazon Australia

Whether you’re using an electric razor or a manual razor, a successful shave depends on how sharp the blade is. Make sure to replace your blades regularly or buy a new disposable razor. Dull blades or old razors can irritate the skin and cause rashes. He’s also more likely to cut the skin if a dull blade is used. Tell him to store the razor in a dry place to prevent bacterial and mold growth.

How to teach your son to shave for the first time

Preparing your face for shaving

The best time to teach your son how to shave is after a bath or shower. The steam keeps the skin soft and hydrated, making hair removal easier. If he hasn’t had a bath yet, teach him to wash his face with soap and warm water and leave it on for up to three minutes to open his pores and soften his hair follicles.

How to shave

  • Gather all the materials together: razor, shaving cream or gel, aftershave lotion, basin and towel.
  • Teach him to apply cream or gel to his face and lather up.
  • Wet your razor with warm water and shave along the grain of the hair or in the direction of hair growth. This reduces friction and prevents bumps and rashes. Many men have facial hair that grows downward, so shaving removes most of it. To remove remaining hair, shave gently against the grain or away from the direction of hair growth.
  • It’s easier to remind him to rinse the razor every few times. When you teach your little man to shave, be patient and take your time. Tell him to scrape slowly and gently across his face and let the blade do the work. Use short, light strokes and don’t press too hard. It is better to shave an area gently twice than to use too much force and cut the skin.
  • Finally, teach him to rinse his face with cold water and dry it with a towel. Cold water shrinks pores and constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing inflammation.
  • Watching the video first will help him understand your instructions.

Source: Gillette YouTube

after shave care

Young skin can be very sensitive, so post-shave care is important. Choose an aftershave or moisturizer that is free of alcohol and strong scents. Use a soothing shaving cream designed for sensitive or acne-prone skin.

If he’s going outside, don’t forget to tell him to put on sunscreen to protect his freshly shaved skin.

What if he cuts himself?

When adolescent boys first start shaving, it is normal to have a few scratches on their face and skin. Use a sterile pencil on cuts and cuts to stop bleeding immediately. Then apply a soothing aftershave, moisturizer or healing balm to your skin.

If he’s using the correct technique but still keeps getting scratches and razor burn, he may need to replace his razor. Try using a single- or two-blade razor and avoid shaving too close to the skin.

How often does your son shave?

Young people typically shave every few weeks, a few times a week, or every three to four days. The actual frequency depends on how fast your hair grows and the color and thickness of your hair. As your son gets older, he will need to shave more often. My widowed aunt said her son (my cousin Leo) didn’t know exactly when to shave at first, so she made sure to check on him every now and then to see if he was neat.

Summary: How to teach a first-time shaver

Teaching your son how to shave can feel both overwhelming and bittersweet. I know it’s not easy to face these milestones alone, but please remember that you have been with him through so much. This is just another step in your incredible journey together. It’s okay if you feel a little unsure. You don’t need to be an expert. The most important thing is that you are there and willing to help him through this new chapter.

Be patient with him, as shaving may take some getting used to. You can watch some videos together or ask a trusted male friend or family member to share their tips. But even if it’s just the two of you figuring it out, that’s enough. Your son will remember that you were there, guiding him with love and patience. You have been his rock. This is just another moment where your love and support will make all the difference. So take a deep breath and know that you are doing a great job.

How to teach your son to shave? | Beanstalk Single Mom Pinterest

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