Jimmy Fallon No More All-Night Parties

Grace Bastidas, headshot

Hello everyone, I am Grace, the editor-in-chief of Parents magazine. Welcome to my bi-weekly column where I bring you conversations with famous people sharing their experiences on this journey called parenthood.

Grace Bastidas, Editor-in-Chief

Even though Jimmy Fallon isn’t ready for summer to be over, he’s ready for the holidays — all the holidays. his new children’s book 5 more naps before HalloweenThe story of a boy waiting for trick-or-treat night, released this week, is dedicated to a childhood neighbor who handed out full-sized candy on Halloween. He was a regular at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In a few months, he’ll be releasing a holiday album filled with epic collaborations (Ariana Grande! Jonas Brothers! Dolly Parton!). Just hearing about all the projects he has lined up is enough to make anyone daydream about a long winter nap!

But when I was nearly 50 years old, tonight show The hosts keep pushing for more. His inspiration? Daughters Winnie, 11, and Frances, 9. Now it’s about my kids. I want to show them that they can be as creative as I am and enjoy the process,” he said. “Don’t do it for the money. Don’t do it for the praise. Do it because you love it, and you will be happy forever.

“Amen!” I told him. But Jimmy didn’t want to preach. He just wants his kids, your kids, and everyone around him to have a good time.

The last time I saw you, we were celebrating your tenth anniversary on The Tonight Show. It’s your 50th birthday on September 19th – where are my invitations?

I’ve reached an age where I don’t like big parties anymore. I don’t want a giant angry one. My dream is to have a quiet dinner with my family. I’ve taken better care of myself. I read a lot about breathing through your nose more. I swear! This is much better for you. I think it has to do with longevity, stress levels, heart rate, etc. I guess people who talk a lot breathe through their mouths. So, I’m reading about how to duct tape my mouth while I sleep and force myself to breathe through my nose to get better sleep. I have to do this under supervision. So, I’ll have security try it at my bedside – I’m not kidding!

I’m going to check this out, Jimmy! Do your daughters share your sense of humor?

Yes. I love seeing them joke around. The new thing they were doing was calling me “Dad” because they knew it would drive me crazy. “Good morning, Dad.” I thought, “Why are you doing this? Please call me Daddy. Others will think I’m strict when they hear this, but they’re just kidding. I have two wonderful girls. . They went camping for the first time this year and had a great time. [Nancy Juvonen] I am the saddest person on earth. We miss them terribly and can only talk to them for short periods of time. It’s like they’re in prison.

My daughters are the same age as yours. How do you keep that close connection as they get older?

They know they can trust me and talk to me about anything. We would go for a walk and I would hear some good stories. we can sing hamilton and Taylor Swift. The weird thing is – I know this sounds terrible – but cell phones are becoming a great way to communicate. They kept calling me on FaceTime. They texted me. I get the cutest messages from them. If I’m at work, it’s another way I talk to them. They haven’t gotten bored with me yet.

I’ve seen you interact with other children and you seem to be popular with all of them.

Becoming a father has increased my love for other people’s children. I don’t want anyone to be mean to my girls, so I teach them to be kind. If I see another child being bullied or someone being rude to a child, I will be more protective of that child. I stood up for kids I didn’t even know. I want everyone to laugh, have fun, and enjoy their childhood as much as possible.

You also want adults to enjoy their adult lives, which I appreciate.

I’m very lucky. I’m surrounded by interesting people. I can laugh all day long. If you start having more fun, life will get better. That’s why people watch my show – to get away from problems and have a laugh. I’m not saying you should ignore your feelings, but if you can, turn to fun. I have a great team and writers. This is our goal. You put it on tonight show Then forget something and you laugh. Then you tape your mouth shut and go to sleep.

final thoughts

Well, let’s talk to our doctors before we shut up. I know we’re all looking for ways to improve our sleep (did I tell you about my weighted blanket?). I also like the idea of ​​having fun, even when life feels heavy. Laughter helps relieve tension and soothe your mood. It also teaches our children to change their perspective when they feel frustrated. Thanks for the heads up, Jimmy!

Until next time,


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