Mom questions what’s ‘normal’ about sex in marriage

When a TikTok mom heard some couples had sex with their partners 4-5 times a week, She was stunned and I had to say: Same!

I beg your dearest forgiveness. So many times! With kids? With work? The moment you lie down on the bed, how can you not fall asleep immediately? What kind of witchcraft is this?

“Do you guys do this little trick multiple times a week?” Madison Barbosa asked her followers on TikTok.

“I just saw a video on the For You page. One mom asked other moms how often they do this…some comments said four times a week. how? With what energy?

Barbosa went on to say that as a parent of a young child, she was incapable of time Frequent sexual intercourse with her husband despite feelings of attraction to him and intentions for intimacy. She just touched.

“It’s hard to find intimate time when you’re the parent of a young child. It’s so hard. It’s not that I’m not attracted to my husband. It’s not that I don’t want to. In fact, at the end of the day, I’m tired of being touched .I don’t want to be touched anymore.

She went on to say that the feeling of wanting to be alone was accompanied by feelings of guilt.

“With that comes a sense of wifey guilt because my husband’s love language is physical touch. Like 95% of the male population. No, he wants me to touch him more. I know he wants me to touch him more . But like you guys who do it four times a week, how are you doing, God bless you,” she joked.

“Four or five times a week. That doesn’t seem normal to me. It doesn’t seem normal.

When it comes to frequency of sex in marriage, several moms have given their thoughts on what’s “normal”.

“Sometimes 3-4 times a week, then weeks of doing nothing 😅,” one user wrote.

“Definitely 1-2 times a week, usually just to check it off my list so I can stop making my wife feel guilty. I feel like I don’t have sex drive anymore,” admitted another.

One user said: “Definitely not 😂 1-2 times if you’re lucky 😅”

Another said: “Once a month lol”

One mom shared, “Having kids has killed my libido, before I *needed* it every day, now it’s like twice a month 🫣 I want to fix this but don’t know how”

“Haha, growing up, this didn’t happen that often. Like every few weeks. We’re tired,” another said.

One mom said: “I asked this question in a mom group and this mom responded 2-3 times a day, 4-5 days a week!!! 8-15 times a week🤯”

OP replied: “Absolutely not😅”

According to the Archives of Sexual Behavior study, the typical American couple has sex 56 times a year. If we all did simple math, that would be about once a week! It seems feasible. However, let’s be clear first, there is no “normal” number of times. We all have our ups and downs when we have sex with our partners!

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