A letter to my sisters: Thank you for being the best aunties

A letter to my sisters: Thank you for being the best aunties

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but I believe it only takes a small, strong group of people who truly care about children. Enter: sisters. I have three of them myself, and there are a few other very special women who play the role of “aunties” to my children.

As a stay-at-home mom of toddlers and preschoolers without a large, hands-on crowd helping my family, I am so grateful for those who do Do Appear. My children’s aunts are their favorite people and I don’t know what I would do without them in our lives. So, to my sisters and all Sisters – and women alike – if this comes up, this one is for you.

To the aunties, aunties, and “aunties” everywhere who got involved and got involved: Thank you

Dear sisters (and others who do this),

It goes without saying that you love my children as your own, but you must say it anyway. What’s more, you never fail to show it. you will never fail exhibit up. For my children──and for me. You were there when the rest of the world felt like a foreign entity on this crazy journey of raising little humans. It means more than you know. It means the world.

It goes without saying that we are family, whether related by blood or by choice, but I will say it anyway: I would choose you as the aunt to my children over and over again. them Will choose you as their aunt again and again. Because we know you’ll choose them. You always do this, again and again. This is a greater gift than any material item.

Needless to say, I can’t do it all on my own with raising my kids. Motherhood shouldn’t be one’s performance; This was meant to be a community effort. Even though I did try many times to handle it all without help, you always reminded me out of the blue that I didn’t have to. You always step in and remind me that you are there – and always go out of your way to be truly there. Come here. For me, for my kids, for my family.

Needless to say, I need support as much as my children do. After all, how can one fulfill the endless responsibilities that come with the title “mom” if there’s no one to care for her? How could I possibly make the countless, weighing decisions I face every day without a little encouragement? Of course, I’ll find a way, but I’m glad I don’t have to. because of me Know I can turn to you. For wisdom, for inspiration, for friendship. It’s a comfort when I’ve given everything I’ve got.

Needless to say, my son and daughter think you hang with the moon and stars, but I’ll say it anyway: sometimes, I think they like you more than I do. I’m happy with this because it means I never have to worry about them being alone. If something happens to me, they accustomed to Alone. They give you that real sense of understanding and familiarity that only a very, very special person—like an aunt—can provide. For love, for hugs, for guidance.

Needless to say, my children are here for you. Whether in person or via Facetime, they will be happy to meet you. For the chance to meet, play, and laugh. A chance to show off their newly mastered somersaults and fastest ballet spins. Have a chance to enjoy a good children’s book (or 20+, God bless you). There’s also the opportunity to be yourself and let people see the magic in them.

but do you know I Is living for those visits just as much? To have a chance to breathe, sit back and soak in it all. There was someone who was willing to drop everything to lighten our load, and someone who was there for me. For them, for us, forever. Because you are.

Therefore, my dear sisters, I cannot but say: Thanks. From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my children’s hearts, from the bottom of my little family’s heart. Your love is a huge gift that will not go unnoticed—your support, your encouragement, your ever-present sentiment to support us. We feel your presence and we want you to know it. We couldn’t make this journey without you.


A grateful sister/friend/cousin turned mom of two who put the world on their aunt

PS we love you!

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