I had a sex dream about my best friend’s husband

Last night I had a sex dream about my best friend’s husband. This was very unexpected for a number of reasons. 1. I would never treat my friend like that; 2. I don’t find him attractive (Still me? 3. It’s completely enjoyable and non-pornographic. When I tell you I had a “hmm, this is weird” moment when I woke up, I mean it.

Like many dreams, it happened in a completely random place. I think we were at an amusement park? that is sexy. It was sexy because he was kind and complimentary about my body – but I didn’t crave the attention. My husband is so kind and complimentary about my body that I’ll often be like, “This body?!?”

However, the sexiest part about the whole thing is that it’s forbidden, which usually wouldn’t keep me going. Before kissing me, he would hold my hand and look back to his wife, my best friend. In the dream, I was worried about what my husband would think, but not worried about not kissing my best friend’s husband “in public.”

All things considered, it’s pretty mild. Just a lot of kissing and feeling like I did something wrong. In the dream, I even “thought to myself” that, oddly enough, I thought this was hot and that he was the one in the dream. I woke up as the sun came up, completely confused by the whole thing. Do I think he’s cute?? do i feel hungry for attention? Why are my sex dreams in an arcade?

This was my first sex dream (that I can remember) and I woke up feeling really guilty. Usually, I wake up feeling…Randy. This morning I woke up thinking I should call her and confess. Alas, I have not and will not. This is just a dream.

To be fair, I really had no reason to feel guilty. After all, it was my subconscious courtesy. The bottom line is, the human brain is really weird, and it gets even weirder when you add sex into the mix.

In the end, this is just one random dream in a long list of random dreams that I have had and continue to have. But I’ll be damned if I can make eye contact with him the next time I see him.

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