‘Realizing my sexuality could destroy my marriage’

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were born with an internal manual that automatically reflected any major changes? Just like an app on your phone, it updates at night while you’re sleeping so you’re ready to face the next day’s new reality. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that – we just have to figure it out as we go. In our latest round of anonymously submitted confessions, here are the revelations moms seem to be grappling with that would surely make for a handbook.

From adjusting to being the parent of a college kid, to having an unexpected pregnancy after being laid off, to having an epiphany about sex, parents are revealing what they’re grappling with right now. Read on and see if you can relate.

Horrible Mom Confessions is a tried and tested part of what makes our site so fun. If you’d like to confess anonymously, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. To browse past Confessions, go here.

Even though I am very happily married, I am still in love with my HS boyfriend.

Confession #84995278

My kids were at overnight camp for the first time and it was great to be here without her attitude.

Confession #86833103

I hate my boss so much that I’m using my vacation to figure out how to quit.

Confession #83429877

College experience is something that is not found in parenting books.

Confession #81352308

I need to go on vacation alone. There are so many people who need my help and it’s exhausting.

Confession #86579079

I was laid off from my job in March and had just found out I was pregnant with my (surprising) third baby.

Confession #85191397

I want a divorce but don’t trust my husband to take care of my kids by himself every other weekend.

Confession #81931279

I want to be a mother to my daughter as my mother was to me.

Confession #89548010

I hate sleeping with our four year old. If this was a job, I would leave.

Confession #81946701

Realizing my sexuality could destroy my marriage.

Confession #80476395

I’m finally letting go of my ex.

Confession #85281528

I started dating again and realized more and more how wonderful women are. Men are just so crappy.

Confession #80809914

I wonder when my 28 year old daughter will figure out how to support herself.

Confession #80056583

I can’t keep up with inflation…and for the first time ever, my mortgage bill is late. Starve to death or?

Confession #87998414

Moved to a new state and I was lonely.

Confession #87563018

This summer I failed to be the fun, relaxed mom I wanted to be, and now that’s over.

Confession #85229307

Sadly, while I was trying to make sure everyone felt their birthday was special, no one celebrated my birthday.

Confession #88540647

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