Why single moms are superheroes

Single moms are superheroes

to be honest. A single mom’s life can be filled with self-doubt. Constantly worrying about whether I am a good mother. Everything you do, whether or not you do it right, weakens you. Kind of like Superman’s kryptonite. Kind of like a superhero.

Just the other day, I was chatting with a close friend and a single parent of her adult son. Even now, she admits, she still has uncertainty. So one day, while crying into milk, she asked her son about his memories from childhood to adulthood. He said:

“Mom, you have always been the strongest person I know. You have some kind of superpower to keep it all together. You’re a single mom and I don’t know how you do it.

She had never thought of it this way. To her, raising children didn’t seem like a sacrifice, but it was difficult. But to him, she was some kind of superhero in a cape, leaping from tall buildings, wearing a tights and watching me run.

So when you feel like the bills are piling up as fast as the dishes in the sink, when you need to mow the lawn in the backyard to compete with fixing the broken kitchen faucet, and your kids just woke you up at ten o’clock, you’re asleep After a few minutes, remember who you are…a superhero.

Single mothers are selfless.

One thing that makes us stand in awe of our favorite superheroes is that they are selfless. Or at least they do selfless things but get little or no recognition, even though they 100% deserve it. This is exactly what single parents are like. Without another parent to take on the job, single mothers will sacrifice their personal desires for the needs of the family. Whether it’s a shower, a pedicure or a much-needed massage, they make it a point to attend their child’s school activities.

I’m always so proud of the memory of my mom who showed up to my talent show even after spending hours in the emergency room with neck pain. Seeing her sitting in the fifteenth row wearing a neck brace, yet happily cheering me on, remains a core memory of my childhood.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the unconditional love of a mother.

Single mothers switch roles very quickly.

From doctors to cooks, from home assistants to family bookkeepers, from handymen to gardeners, librarians, homework helpers and primary breadwinners – the children of single mothers are it all at the same time. Sometimes, everything happens in one day! That’s what mothers are like, single moms dedicated to creating a family where their children can grow and thrive. Therefore, they take on whatever role the job requires to support their family. Of course, the capes are sometimes twirled, depending on their mood.

Single moms are superheroes

Single mothers are super strong and brave.

No one knows what struggles life will throw at us. But for single mothers without a partner to rely on, facing the day requires extra strength and courage. (And sometimes long nights caring for a child with a 103-degree fever.) When no other childcare provider could make split-second decisions about a child’s health, she had to juggle the jobs of both… and that’s what she did.

Somehow, single moms are digging deep every day to find solutions to a cut lip from falling off a swing, a water bill that’s due before the paycheck comes, and what to make for dinner. (Don’t forget the lunch bag, too!) Then, the next school party is around the corner, and speaking of parties, birthday parties are just around the corner. The list is never ending, but single moms have to rise to the occasion in order to provide their children with everything they need.

Single moms have the power to stretch.

Whether it’s money, time, resources or sleep, single moms have to do more with less. Scary Halloween costumes are made from items stashed around the house or in your closet. Nutritious dinners made with joy, love and persistence in clipping coupons. Grocery shopping tips to save that money. A few extra minutes of bedtime stories at night come about because single moms are willing to get creative with their time management.

No matter what limitations a single mom encounters, she finds a way to make it work. They say you can’t pour from an empty glass, but her glass didn’t seem empty. You really can’t burn her out when it comes to her kids. She always had one more thing to offer.

Single mother and superhero kid form a family.

The stigma or social expectation is that children who grow up isolated from their fathers will find some form of trouble, whether it’s pregnancy, poverty or crime. But when you have to overcome obstacles to succeed, that survival creates a strong connection.

Families run by a single mother find that everyone relies on each other to keep life running smoothly. Like any team, these families end up being closely connected to each other while also being fiercely independent. Slate magazine agrees. It recently published an article arguing that in our overindulgent society, growing up as a single mother has clear advantages. After all, that’s the kind of connection you’re bound to have when you only have each other as your emotional support system.

Single moms are superheroes

Single moms need help, too.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. But being a mom and a dad at the same time makes you feel like you have the responsibility of a whole village on your shoulders. Dealing with financial issues, deciding to take your daughter to the hospital, going to school and sporting events, caring for children, and doing household chores, the reality of being a single parent can be scary for others. It’s scary, but we do it anyway. Of course, we are moms.

But hey, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Maybe you don’t know them, but there is someone willing to share some of your burdens. Remember, just like in comic books and movies, even heroes need sidekicks.

Most importantly, single moms inspire us.

This is the true hallmark of any superhero.

Single mothers turn a difficult situation in which they have no choice into a good situation. They take their weaknesses and turn them into strengths. They act selflessly to defend and protect those around them. Even if their legs are injured and unable to walk, their resilience allows them to stand up. They do it with KA-POW! Bang! The power to overcome all odds and always, yes, alwayssaved the day.

In short, single mothers are the real superheroes

They deal with endless demands, face fears, and take deep breaths when life becomes overwhelming. They do it all with total concentration, disregarding the usual equation of time and energy, and always putting the needs of their children first. So on those days when it feels like you’ll never catch a break, remember: you’re not just managing, you’re inspiring. Your strength, love, and resilience will be your child’s legacy long after the car seat no longer fits and the living room has quieted down. You are and always will be their superhero.

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