“Hocus Pocus” jokes and innuendos that often appeared when I was a kid

If you were a child of the ’90s, you know that the Halloween season can’t really kick off until you watch the beloved 1993 cult classic trick At least a few times. Because whether you like sequels or not, trick 2on Disney+ (or if you were expecting magician 3for that matter), the simple fact is that nothing can beat the original. From catchy musical numbers to hilarious curse words, the Sanderson sisters know how to provide quality entertainment to the masses. The best part? You don’t have to be a kid to appreciate everything this movie has to offer. In fact, there are actually a few adult jokes hidden inside. trick This was probably completely beyond your imagination when you were a kid, but can make rewatching it more fun – if not a little traumatic.

Believe it or not, Disney movies are peppered with some very adult jokes and innuendos that are so subtle that they manage to fly under the radar, leaving most kids completely unaware of any inappropriate remarks or punchlines. ‘s appearance. But as an adult, you can easily discover some of these hidden gems that will leave you a little shocked because you’ve never noticed them before. (Ah, the innocence of youth!) trick Turns out it’s no exception. While the film’s central premise revolves around the truly evil yet somewhat lovable witch sisters, there are some truly great lines scattered throughout the film that you can better appreciate as an adult.

Check out the most noteworthy jokes below and make your brain go crazy, crazy, crazy! Oh, and be prepared to feel a little second-hand embarrassment as you relive these moments with your kids this year.

1. Thirsty Bus Driver

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After being resurrected by the Black Flame Candle, Winifred, Sarah and Mary Sanderson set out to find children in order to suck the youth from their souls. (You know, just regular Friday night plans.) But 300 years after his death, they’re a little unsure where to find said child. It was here that they chanced upon a bus driver who seemed more than willing to help them in more ways than one.

Winnie: “We want kids.”

Bus Driver: “Hey, this might take me a few tries, but I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.”

Wow, what a misunderstanding of her request, my partner. Now, it doesn’t seem like the Sanderson sisters (or many young viewers) fully understand the proposition he’s making to them, but if you replay this conversation in your mind, you’ll see the scene in a completely different light.

2. The Thirsty Bus Driver Part 2

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On the short bus ride the Sanderson sisters took, Sarah sat on the bus driver’s lap – as an adult you can see he enjoyed this also a lot of. As they got out of the car, he lamented that he didn’t get her phone number and asked her if she wanted his route schedule. “Oh, you’re going to hate me in the morning,” she replied.

As a child, this statement basically made no sense. Now, it’s easy to read between The fact that they were talking about a very mature “sleepover”… Sarah’s response was a variation on the classic, ahem, pre-sleepover question: “Will you still love me in the morning?”

3. All Jabboz

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It’s not uncommon for little sisters to embarrass their older brothers, but Danny’s comments about Max’s crush, Allison, take the sibling awkwardness to the next level.

Danny: “Max likes your yabos. In fact, he loves them.”

It’s impossible to hear this word and not think of this movie. Maybe you didn’t fully understand what Danny was referring to at the time, but now it’s hard not to feel some serious sympathy for poor Max.

4. Any original reference

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In retrospect, when you watched this movie, did you really know what a virgin was? You just know that Max is one of them—hence his ability to light the Black Flame Candle and set the entire storyline in motion—and every character in the movie loves to be reminded of that fact.

5. Jay & Ice’s exploits

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Of course, the Sandersons are the main villains of the story because they, you know, like to kill innocent children. However, they are not the only outlaws in the film. Jay and Ace are big bullies to Max, even stealing his new shoes and Halloween candy. However, their most cringe-worthy moments came much later, when they were full and thinking about what they could do next.

Jay: “Do you want to watch a beautiful woman take off her clothes through the window?”

As a child, I don’t think I ever fully realized how creepy and completely perverted this suggestion was. It definitely makes it harder to feel sorry for them after the Sanderson sisters trap them in a cage.

6. Sarah’s raging sexual desire

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This witch woman was created to seduce young boys. Remember her reaction when they kidnapped Thackery Binks and Winnie asked what they should do to him?

Sarah: “Put him on the hook and let me play with him.”

Years later, when they first met Max, she muttered similar advice. Madam, you are three hundred years old and he is not yet a minor. Please control yourself!

7. Cannibalistic Burns

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Winnie has always been great at attacking her sisters, but she’s proven that she can also give her nemesis (aka The Child) some serious burns. One moment in particular after Max rescues his sister Danny from them, Winnie becomes sad, thinking about all the mean things Danny said to her during the kidnapping. Claiming her feelings were hurt by being called ugly, she wiped her nose on Sarah’s arm and said: “You know I’ve always wanted a baby and now I think I’m going to have one – toast! “

8. Meeting the “Master”

The Sandersons visit a man they believe to be Satan, only to find the scene filled with adult jokes and innuendos. When his wife caught him dancing with Sarah in the living room, he said, “They call me master.” His wife responded, “Wait until you figure out what I’m going to call you.” And, come on, when you Things are different when you’re a newly married adult!

Also in this scene, Winnie mistakes their kitchen for a “torture chamber” and Mary thinks Clark sticks are “the chocolate-coated fingers of a man named Clark” (you’ll never see the same candy again Awesome), Sarah was called “Tower Face”.

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