Dear Teenagers,

I know it’s hard to believe
But we were all once you.
us. yes. you.
We’re right, we’re cool, we’re confused.
We know everything, haha.
We were lost and alone.
But we are not.
Neither. yes. you.

There are some incredible things
We are more like you than you think.
We worry about what people think of us,
Even if we don’t want to, even if we don’t admit it.
We don’t necessarily know what we want to “be” when we grow up.
Even if we know it, it changes.
Sometimes it’s years, sometimes it’s day after day.
Sometimes we change it, sometimes life changes it.
Words still hurt us.
Yours is included.
We become fearful and at the same time we become confident. We have waves of happiness,
And clouds of loneliness, anger, uncertainty. Sound familiar?
We don’t “control our lives.” This is true for banks and landlords. Dear bosses and fellow couples,
Cashier. The internet companies own us, the power companies control us.
I know you think your life is not entirely yours, your parents say so, your teachers rule it.
But you have more freedom than you think.

As a parent, let me be clear.
You have as much control over our lives as we do over yours, if not more.
We wake up for you. We work for you. We cry for you, we bat for you, we lose sleep over you.
We don’t mind.
Damn, this is what we signed up for! We were born for it! very good!
Do you know what we care about? You didn’t notice. You don’t care.
You’re acting like that five-year-old named “Kid”
You are no longer.
You will always be our baby.
But you are not babies.
You are real people now! , Smile.
You, you teenagers, are the most beautiful group ever.
You are the perfect combination of a beautiful baby and a capable adult.
This is a wonderful thing. This is a difficult thing.
I won’t talk nonsense to you, and I won’t apologize for talking “bullshit.”

Anyway, you’ll hear this a million times, so let me add to the pot.
Nothing lasts forever.
Your doubts will disappear and change. So will your appearance.
Your beliefs and values ​​will ebb and flow over time.
Your grandparents, aunts, uncles, step-parents, parents, they will most likely be gone before you.
If you are lucky enough to have these people, they will have an impact on you.
They affect you and they matter.
There’s nothing wrong with having a cool dad (stepdad, uncle, or grandpa) who’s in your corner and is a crazy, wild, fun guy.
You may find it hard to believe, but your father is just old to you.
Anyone young enough to have teenagers,
Still young as hell. Let him be like this! One day you will be excited about what you did.
Likewise, there’s nothing wrong with having a beautiful, sexy, or charming mom (stepmom, aunt, grandma). One day, you will look back at her with that look and your heart will soar. Believe this.

There’s also nothing wrong or inherently insulting about cleaning toilets or flipping burgers.
The mistake is to think of this type of work as beneath you, which demeans you.
Your inferiority lies in looking down upon the work that needs to be done as if you were superior.
That is, unless you like pooping in dirty places.

As I said, we are all you.
No parent, step-parent, teacher, grandma or grandpa, aunt or uncle can skip the teenage years and get to where they are now.
This shit kicked our ass!
Like it kicks your ass (and ours, twice, thank you again 😉
But know this.
Even the worst, meanest, most disgusting teachers are there because, on some level, they care about you. They want to try and help you get better. Not everyone is good at showing it, just like not every child is good at receiving it.
But, nevertheless, this is the case.
Every adult in your life, your family, your friends, your parents, your grandparents,
The reason they are there is the same. Their reason is you.
I know your emotions are going crazy. I know you feel like you’re 10 years old one minute and 20 the next. But, that’s okay. If you act like you’re 7 years old sometimes and 70 years old sometimes, that’s okay.
This is life, or rather, the teenage years. it’s beautiful.
As a thriving, living adult who has been there, I’m willing to cut you some slack.
My only request is this.
How you rise to the challenge and provide a little bit of the same for the adults you will be one day (soon).
I promise you, it will mean the world.
Chances are, change yours.

with love,
Those “adults”
AKA, your future self.

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