Doula Entrepreneur Gives Insider Tips for Earning Over $100K as a Doula

2023 Future Market Insight Analysis1 The market share of the doula industry shows that the market share of doulas and childbirth coaching businesses has expanded by 6%. The market for these services is expected to reach $25.7 million by 2033.

The need for doulas is expected to increase as states explore plans to increase access to doula care. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services2 (DHHS) The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released a briefing note in December 2022 regarding federal support for expanding the perinatal workforce to include doulas and nursing midwives.

As the founder of Parentswarm, an online directory for parent support professionals, I’ve been lucky enough to connect with thousands of midwives and build a thriving business.

Along the way, I’ve observed several key strategies the most successful midwives employ to reach $100,000 or more in income while maintaining a sustainable business and personal life:

Advice from top midwives

  1. Declare your online presence
  2. Build trust through social proof
  3. Find your niche
  4. Design services make your eyes shine
  5. Ambitious price
  6. teach you what you know
  7. Create evergreen products
  8. Nurture past customers
  9. real social media
  10. Set sacred boundaries
  11. Find your mentor
  12. Collaborate carefully
  13. Make recommendations a breeze

1. Declare your online presence

Make your case in every corner of the internet where parents might seek support. Start with the important ones: Google My Business, Yelp, and Facebook. But don’t stop there. List in parent directories like, neighborhood websites like Nextdoor, and community boards.

Your online presence is your 24/7 open house, so make it engaging! Craft a well-crafted profile that showcases your personality and expertise, use consistent, professional photos across all platforms, and make sure your contact information is front and center. Target? When sleep-deprived parents search for “best doula near me” at 2 a.m., the first thing they see is your warm, trustworthy face.

2. Build trust through social proof

In midwifery, trust is not just a good thing, it’s necessary. Parents are inviting you into one of the most vulnerable moments of your life. Show them you’re worthy with plenty of social proof: testimonials, reviews, awards, certifications, media mentions, and recognition.

When each contract is signed, send these customers a link directly to a review site on Yelp, Google, or a form on your website via text message so they can easily leave a positive review and 5-star rating.

Share these testimonials anywhere: on your website, social media, or even in your email signature. Post photos of your actions supporting families (with permission). Display your certifications with pride; they demonstrate your commitment to excellence.

3. Find your niche

There are flowers blooming in the doula field, so beautiful. But it also means you can no longer be the vanilla ice cream among doulas.

Maybe you’re a trilingual doula who’s a good fit for the diverse families in your city. Or you specialize in supporting parents through grief and bringing light to dark times.

Maybe you are the first choice for a NICU family or a second-time parent seeking a VBAC. Find what makes you shine, what problem you solve better than anyone else, and own what makes you special. Dive deeper, gain expertise, and let your unique style shine through in your brand.

4. Design services make your eyes shine

Looking at the websites of others in your field can provide great ideas when building your service offerings, but really thrive As a six-figure doula business, Focus internal. What inspired you to take up this job?

Is this the magic of aromatherapy during your labor? Create a package around it. Obsessed with baby massage and its bonding power? Make it the centerpiece. Take a look at your bookshelf—what topics keep calling you? These are all clues.

Think about the clients who made you think, “I’d do this for free!” What have you done for them? Design 5-8 services around content that energizes you, fills a gap in the market, and aligns with your superpowers. Customers will feel the warmth when you light it up.

5. Ambitious prices

We are nurturers, so the thought of money makes us sick. But listen: every home should have a doula, and every doula should thrive. As more insurances and employers cover our services, families are increasingly seeing the value of paying a premium for the work we provide.

So the prices are like your pros. Study your market and then go a little higher. You are more than just a hand to hold; you are a skilled professional who impacts a lifetime of health. Includes a premium, “OMG, she must be awesome!” package.

It keeps your value high and makes other packages look like they were stolen. For low-income families, offer a sliding scale or endowment fund sponsored by clients or local businesses who want to support the growing family. You can serve everyone without selling yourself short, especially if you have doula certification to back up your high value.

6. Teach what you know

You are a wisdom keeper, not just a womb whisperer. Share this knowledge! Your niche is the perfect launching pad for lucrative courses. Partner with a local baby boutique or hospital to provide free space and then host workshops like “Hypnobirthing for Skeptics” or “The Magic of Postpartum Meal Prep.”

These courses are golden: you can earn more by providing more services to multiple families at the same time, and they can experience your atmosphere first-hand. Don’t stop at your parents either. Other midwives are eager for your unique skills.

“iPhone Birth Photography 101” or “Mastering Social Media for Midwives” might be your next hit book. Teaching can solidify your status as an expert and diversify your income. Win-win!

7. Create evergreen products

Reality check: You’re alone, and your time and energy are limited. Enter: evergreen products that make money without you having to work constantly.

Think of e-books like 50 Affirmations from the Fertility Goddess or The Fourth Month Survival Guide. Take a class before your shoot on how to pack the perfect hospital bag or prepare for a sibling. Create a checklist, tracker or birth playlist that parents can purchase with just a click.

These products showcase your expertise, serve families you can’t reach in person, and keep your income steady, even during your well-earned vacations. It works smarter, not just doula-style, harder.

8. Cultivate old customers

Your past customers are not only great memories, they are also your ultimate brand ambassadors. Keep that connection going! Hosting the annual Doula Baby Tea Party. Picture this: a toddler is munching on a cookie, parents are exchanging stories, and you are smiling at the little one you helped welcome.

Use this heartwarming event to share your latest offerings, such as sibling doula services or preschool sleep consultations. Gently remind them that you are always looking for new family to support. They will leave with their whole heart ready to praise you to every friend who expects you. Your next client is in their gaming group!

9. Real social media

Forget algorithmic chasing. The purpose of social media is not to go viral; This is your digital living room where your customers can experience your style.

Choose 1-2 platforms where your dream customers hang out. So, just be unapologetically you. Share your bag prep, a behind-the-scenes look at your favorite postpartum meal delivery, or a quick tip for perineal healing. Comment on other people’s posts with genuine insights or encouragement.

You are an empathetic professional; let your personality shine! Consistent, authentic content can turn followers into customers who already know you.

10. Set sacred boundaries

Doulas, we hold beautiful spaces for others. For now, let’s keep it to ourselves. Boundaries are not selfish; They are the guardrails that keep you off the highway of burnout.

Picture your ideal week. Isn’t there an overnight phone call? One month every summer vacation? Two clients per month? Write it down. Of course, that comes when the baby is born, but having a North Star helps. Communicate these boundaries upfront in contracts and interviews. Most clients will respect them and even appreciate your example of self-care. When life throws curveballs (hello, surprise twins!), you’ll have enough reserves to bend without falling apart.

Sustainable boundaries mean you’ll be able to continue this work for decades.

11. Find your mentor

Even doulas need commercial doulas. Every birth leader I know attributes their success to a mentor or coach. Why? Labor and delivery is emotionally and logistically stressful.

Experienced tour guides understand this. They’ve overcome middle-of-the-night texts, marketing roadblocks, and postpartum blues (yours and your clients’). They’ll share hard-earned wisdom, tough love when you’re undercharged, and offer champagne emojis for your wins. When a challenging client makes you doubtful, they remind you why you started.

Investing in a mentor is not an expense; It’s rocket fuel for your confidence, strategy, and profits. Find a business coach or mentor. Your six-figure future self will thank you, and you can return the favor for years to come.

12. Collaborate mindfully

Our work is rooted in village thinking, so allow us to build that village professionally, too. Find complementary professionals—lactation specialists, postpartum nutritionists, prenatal chiropractors.

Co-hosts Instagram Live “The First 48 Hours: Chest, Abs, and Back.” Created the podcast mini-series “Fourth Semester Dream Team”. Joining forces for a charity auction supporting postpartum mental health.

These collaborations are magical. You provide your customers with a more comprehensive journey. You cross-pollinate audiences and recommendations. Most importantly, you build a network of colleagues who truly understand your world. In this heart-centered hustle, community over competition is not only good, but profitable.

13. Make recommendations a breeze

We all want to praise you, but life is messy, especially for little kids. So make it easy for people to recommend you at an early age. Beautifully designed, informative brochures and business cards. That leaves behind piles of OB-GYNs, yoga studios, and even the best nursing bra boutiques.

Write a shareable social media caption (“Meet @YourName, the doula who got me through a 30-hour back labor with just her amazing hands and a playlist! 🙌 She’s booking summer events: [email protected]”).

Draft a referral email that they can forward with just one click. The easier you make it, the more your phone will be flooded with inquiries from new customers. Easy recommendation? This is the smarter way to work as a doula.

Now you have it! Your road map is not just to a six-figure income, but to a doula business that benefits you and the families you serve. It’s about showing up authentically, working smarter, and never forgetting why you started – to make profound change one birth at a time.

If you would like to explore other potentially high-paying career opportunities, check out the following articles:


  1. “Doula and Childbirth Counseling Services Market” by Sudip Saha. Future Market Insights Inc.
  2. “Health Resources and Services Administration announces new funding to support community doulas,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. April 1, 2022. -community -based-doulas.html

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