A high school girl standing in the hallways of a high school for a story on applying to college

Applying to College This Fall? Prepare for College and A Career

Greg Kaplan, Author of The Journey: How to Prepare Kids for a Competitive and Changing World and Founder of the Kaplan Educational Group

Congratulations! Your child is applying to college and making the case for admission based on their growth in high school. But before setting their school list, I’d like to share a story from when I was studying for the law school admissions exam at a local coffee shop. Over copious amounts of coffee, I befriended the barista. She was the same age as me, had graduated from Duke a few years ago, and with little career prospects or direction, found herself behind the espresso machine.

The Reality of Post-College Employment

This story illustrates a larger phenomenon that students face upon college graduation. While there’s nothing wrong with taking time to gain insight and direction in your life, statistics show that roughly half of college graduates end up underemployed in jobs that don’t require degrees to perform. Additionally, a whopping 54% of Gen Zers are “very reliant” on their parents for financial support.

Crushing student loans do not make paying rising rents any easier for a young person seeking to launch. As recent graduates become mired in underemployment and jobs they neither want nor studied for, educational and career dissatisfactions are amplified.

“…a whopping 54% of Gen Zers are “very reliant” on their parents for financial support.”

The Importance of Part-Time Jobs in High School

Each year, when my college admissions team works to prepare over 1,000 high school students for the journey to college and career, many of our students are aiming for the most selective colleges in the United States, including the Ivies and Stanford. Some are shocked to hear that the first thing even highly selective universities look for in applicants is whether or not an applicant has had a part-time job in high school.

The Value of Early Work Experience

Why? Learning how to be the lowest person on the totem pole and dealing with other people’s problems is a key skill needed for advancing in one’s career. And in an era where snowplow parents remove every obstacle in their child’s path to ensure they reach their intended goals, diffusing World War III from placing the wrong milk in a latte is the only thing a parent cannot do for their child.

Hiring managers are actively seeking to avoid becoming one of the 20% of managers who report parents of their Gen Z employees reaching out to address their children’s problems in the workplace. So, perhaps obtaining a barista job in high school is one of the better ways to avoid having to settle for a similar job once a young person is equipped with a college degree.

Considering the Cost of Education

With tuition, room and board, and other costs approaching $100,000 per year for many private universities and $40,000 per year at public universities, we must be thoughtful about how we approach the journey to college and career and ensure that it prepares young people for what they seek to do next in their lives. This requires young people and their families to align the journey to college and their college education with their long-term goals.

Prioritizing Lower-Cost Options

Once a student is admitted, the cost of an education is the factor most within a student’s control and there is no shame in prioritizing lower-cost options if you will get the same return in the form of a good education, internship opportunities, and future career development. College, much more than a university’s name, is an experience rooted in developing skills and perspectives needed to make the most of future opportunities.

Yes, our society places an emphasis on brands as status symbols, and attending a highly esteemed university can impress others, but attending a more “prestigious” university is not necessarily a pathway to success.

The Myth of Prestige

For example, graduate schools cannot give a preference to students graduating from more prestigious universities. Similarly, many hiring managers prioritize students with stronger academic performance and relevant work experience over the name of the undergraduate institution.

It’s helpful for college-bound students to also recognize that prestige does not necessarily translate into desired career outcomes. There are more San Jose State University alumni working in high-paying Silicon Valley tech jobs than there are graduates from the entire Ivy League put together.

Even in my own life, I had better job prospects graduating from a then-unranked UC Irvine School of Law than I did when I obtained my bachelor’s degree from the top-ranked University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business. College, like every other part of our lives, is what we make of it. It does not require prestige to lay the foundation for a rewarding future. Prioritize how a school sets a student up for success over its name.

Aligning Education with Career Goals

Beyond cost, we must also be honest with what a college education can do for a young person and what a young person must do on their own to make the most of it. While many in academia will tout the importance of academic exploration and critical thinking, this is not enough. A college education must simultaneously teach young people to think critically and openly while equipping them with the skills they need to thrive as adults.

Do not assume that faculty with lifetime appointments to cushy positions or university administrators care if a young person has the skills needed for well-paying entry-level positions with which to begin building their lives. This means students should be evaluating whether they will learn critical communication, analytical, and interpersonal skills they can rely on. At the same time, students and their families must prioritize degree programs that feed into fields where there is job growth and demand in fields like healthcare or renewable energy.

The Role of Internships and Networking

In an age where AI and algorithms play an increasing role in hiring and the job market, internships and part-time jobs are more and more crucial to ensure students forge a path to the career they eventually want. It starts as early as college: students who can identify universities whose internship and networking opportunities lie at the juxtaposition of their career and educational goals will have a distinct advantage when it comes to maximizing the time, money, and energy they are investing in the college journey.

Maximizing the College Experience

When we shift away from thinking about college as the final destination and start treating it as the next step on the journey to fulfillment, we can maximize it. At its core, a college education is an incredible privilege to develop skills and perspectives to chase one’s dreams. Maximizing the return on investment will ensure that the results are aligned with a young person’s goals.

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