Aunt gives Twain advice on maintaining healthy boundaries with partner

Many women will tell you that sitting in a salon chair is the epitome of a safe space. Their hairstylists are part therapist, part friend, part aunt, and they’ll lovingly tell you exactly what’s going on.

In a recent TikTok post by @twintalk67, run by curly hair stylist and mother of twins Tricia Hunter, we saw this dynamic play out perfectly when Hunter’s relative Sophie came over to do her hair… and get some advice : “What to do?” What would you do if someone wanted to get into a physical fight with you but you didn’t think you were ready?

Whether it’s because of the nature of the question or being in front of the camera (or both), Sophie looks like a teenager as Hunter stands behind her with one of her daughters Very nervous.

Hunter’s answers are thoughtful but clear.

“You definitely don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” Hunter said.

“You have to value your own feelings more than other people’s feelings because if they value your feelings and know you’re uncomfortable with it, they’re not going to try to force you to do something. … You’re never going to do anything Things you’re not ready to do, especially when it comes to your body, period. If they really care about you, they’ll understand that and be patient with you.

“But what if you know this person won’t accept it and they’ll leave you immediately?” Sophie asked softly.

Hunter answered quicker this time, but also aware of the girl’s feelings.

“Then you don’t want to be with that person,” she said. “If… someone cares about you, they’ll care about how you feel. Period. So never go against your own feelings to make someone else happy. People will compromise when you’re in a relationship, but when it comes to your body When, you never compromise.

Honestly, these words should be printed on a big banner in every young person’s bedroom and read to them as they fall asleep so they can truly understand. The sooner they understand and internalize it, the better.

Commenters on the viral video agree.

“Ohhhhhh you are just that kind of auntie,” @viibezwitj wrote. “I love this so much!! What a safe space for girls.

“She’s listening,” @mayawrld999 commented. “She trusts you.”

But not all the praise was focused on Hunter: While Sophie saw many adults in the comments feeling sad that the issue was being presented to someone so young, others applauded her for asking the question in the first place .

“How dare she ask!” Applause @druidgal. “I love that Generation Alpha is brave enough to step up and ask the questions we are too shy to ask.”

“Because if us Millennials or older asked, most of us would be blamed for being in this situation or asking for it in the first place,” @marshjell.o agreed. “It’s great that the community as a whole is growing.”

Overall, this is a master class in talking to a trusted adult about the big things going on in your life and how as a trusted adult you can maintain that trust moving forward. Well done, everyone!

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