7 Keys to Navigating a Crisis: A Practical Guide to Emotionally Dealing with Pandemics

Most of us can handle a crisis or two, but now our country is facing four simultaneous crises: COVID-19, which impacts our physical health, an economic recession that impacts our financial security, racial upheaval that impacts our social fabric, and mental health trauma that impacts our emotional well-being. The result of this? Depression, anxiety, and stress are up an astounding 800% ̶ and it’s still rising!

A mom fixes her daughter's surgical mask for a story about pandemics.

Pandemic fatigue is real, and the effects of the trauma are being experienced by men and women of all ages, races, and socio-economic levels around the world. People are naturally looking for simple, practical advice. They’re finding it in 7 Keys to Navigating a Crisis: A Practical Guide to Emotionally Dealing with Pandemics & Other Disasters from Dr. Elia Gourgouris and Konstantinos Apostolopoulos.

“Not only will individuals and families find the book helpful in a crisis, but so will first responders, healthcare professionals, mental health counselors, and wellness coaches,” said Dr. Gourgouris.

Seven Keys To Navigating Crises

Drawing from their real-world experiences, the authors explain the following seven keys to navigating any crisis:

1. Start with self-care. Be aware of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

2. Practice awareness. Listen to your intuition or inner wisdom.

3. Choose flexibility so you can adapt, pivot, and avoid unnecessary pain.

4. Act now! Preparation is key to your survival.

5. Take the initiative by moving into action. Become the navigator in your life’s journey!

6. Cultivate a positive attitude filled with faith and hope.

7. Show kindness to others.

“Each chapter has an end section including points to ponder, questions to consider, and action steps to take, so the reader can move beyond just surviving to thrive in a crisis,” added Apostolopoulos.

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