Fall is a great time to study trees and what grows on them. Apples, pine cones, colorful leaves, and acorns add color to classrooms every fall. Check out these ideas for using or talking about acorns in your preschool classroom.
Acorn Activities for Preschoolers
Feed the Squirrels Counting Game (Preschool Page)
Explore Acorns (a small box perfect for little hands)
Acorn Painting (Preschool)
Acorn shaker (preschool teaching)
Weighing and Exploring Acorns (Teaching Preschool)
Stuff from Trees (Preschoolers)
Acorn Color Matching (taught by my side)
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Bundles with 14 of my most popular fall resources, including math and literacy group activities! Make learning fun with these hands-on resources!
Fall Art with Acorns (a fun day)
Acorn Sensory Bin (I love crafty things)
Paper roll stamped acorn squash (still in school)
Torn Paper Acorns (no time for flash cards)
Fall Math with Acorn Numbers (a fun day)
Using acorn letters (still playing school)
Acorn Ramp Game (Toddler Approved)
Fall sensory bin with apples and acorns (no time for flash cards)
Collecting Acorns (Picklebums)
Painting with Acorns (Toddler Approved)
Acorn and Squirrel Ten Frames (JDaniel4’s mom)
Acorn and Leaf Sensory Bin (Stir Miracle)
Outdoor Acorn Math Activity (Montessori Living Now)
More fall ideas