Adult daughters share why they bond with their moms

The relationship between a mother and her daughter can be anything from close and loving to almost non-existent. For many women who have strained or otherwise uncomfortable relationships with their mothers, knowing how to better manage their relationship with their daughters can be a challenge.

In a recent video, TikTok creator Cree Robinson asked to hear from “girls with great relationships with their moms” about how to build a strong foundation for motherhood.

“For girls who are very close to their moms: Is there one thing your mom did when you were growing up that still makes you want to have a close relationship with her?” she asked.

“Because I know a lot of women, myself included, who either don’t talk to their moms at all or they don’t have a good relationship with them and they have to cut ties with them for whatever reason.”

“I only have one twin now,” she continued, “but when I think about my baby girls, I think about a lot of things because I see a lot of adult women who have strained relationships with their mothers. I want to hear about those experiences with their mothers. Opinions from girls with great relationships. What is it about your mother that makes you want to have such a close relationship with her?

Robinson’s reply, which has received more than 58,000 comments as of press time, is filled with advice that, like a mother-daughter relationship, ranges from adorable to cautionary.

While some of the responses simply expressed solidarity with Robinson and lamented her difficult relationship with her mother, most were sweet odes to the things the commenter’s mother did well.

“She created an environment where I could be myself. She never judged me, just provided guidance. She never sought perfection and she shared her flaws. I could write a book! Courtesy @theekeynicole.

“Always put me first, acts of service at every level, words of affirmation, always a hug, celebration of me,” said @ali610841. “Basically every love language is expressed.”

“My mom is an introvert,” explains @joikristen. “I would go into her room and lie on the bed with her and watch a movie and not say anything. She would just let me lay my head in her lap and stroke my hair. She was silently loving on me.

“My mom never lost her inner child,” @iriadicae commented. “She still sings and dances with me in the kitchen, and we still like to watch the same movies. I can talk to her about anything and she’s very empathetic.

But not everyone had words of encouragement for Robinson.

TikTok user @lifeonyourtermsshop scoffed, “It’s just a matter of being a good daughter. Society puts pressure on alienation. It’s a maturity issue.” The comment has more than 7,000 likes and also has more than 1,600 reactions; most people (but not all) resent the idea that the responsibility for the relationship lies with the daughter.

Overall, however, the comments section created what Robinson described to one follower as a “playbook” for improving the mother-daughter relationship, with many expressing gratitude for the insights.

After all, when what you personally know is what you know No It’s hard to know what to do when you’re trying to be a better person moving forward. So moms, take note… maybe bookmark this video.

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