“After all these years, I’m in desperate need of passionate sex.”

Maybe the long summer has left us all feeling a little hot and bothered. Or maybe the adrenaline boost we get from watching the Paris Olympics makes us excited about “other” things. Anyway, parents seemed to be having sex in their heads this week. From the highly relatable (a new crush on football dream Ilona Maher) to the decidedly riskier (is an Office episode about to unfold?), the latest batch of secret reveals feels extra spicy.

Sex isn’t the only thing that matters, though. Parents admit they are facing issues such as becoming the default parent, dealing with finances in a tough economy and becoming a “sandwich generation”. Read on for the full roundup.

Horrible Mom Confessions is a tried and tested part of what makes our site so fun. If you’d like to confess anonymously, check out our weekly callouts Instagram. To browse past Confessions, go to here.

Since becoming a SAHM, I have felt like a misfit in society.

Confession #74273042

My parents are older and I want to spend more time with my dad…but I don’t want to be with my mom.

Confession #73163673

I find myself very interested in Ilona Maher!

Confession #70264686

Back to school season with a schizophrenic kid is fucking exhausting.

Confession #72948758

I’m happy with my divorce, even though it destroyed me financially.

Confession #71009472

I put off going back to work so I could become a SAHM without my husband knowing.

Confession #70105989

I discovered that my friend’s savings were four times greater than mine. I was jealous and felt like a failure.

Confession #76848851

I need to go on vacation…without my husband or kids 👀

Confession #75439027

After so many boring years, passionate sex is desperately needed.

Confession #76431680

I have a coworker who is flirting and I want to take it to the next level. I have been married for 14 years.

Confession #72217677

Expensive schools and sports for our kids make us miserable and prevent us from enjoying anything else.

Confession #72276395

I am in menopause and always have a high sex drive.

Confession #74912947

After having my third child I didn’t want to go back to work. But I make more money than my husband.

Confession #77392780

My daughter was left out and it broke my heart.

Confession #78943874

Tired of centers telling me how to raise my kids. Put down your damn phone!

Confession #79047917

We are moving and I haven’t told my kids, family, or friends yet.

Confession #75622531

Afraid we’d messed up, I got unexpectedly pregnant at 40.

Confession #72179753

Our credit card debt is too high and my husband can’t seem to stop spending.

Confession #74989238

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