Ashley Tisdale says her daughter is ‘very confident in herself’

Some of us always think of her as from high school musical franchise, while others know her as Candace Phineas and Ferb. However, Ashley Tisdale’s most dazzling role is the role of mother.

Being a mother and nurturer isn’t always easy, but it has the potential to show us who we really are. As the mother of an adorable 3-year-old daughter, Jupiter, Tisdale does not take her daughter’s education lightly. Furthermore, she is particularly passionate about early childhood literacy.

With baby number two about to be born, parents Recently, I spoke with Tisdale about raising her daughter, how she prepares for children, how she gives herself grace as a mother and wife, and her new partnership with Leapfrog’s Reading Journey.

Parents/Frank Miserlotta/Disney via Getty Images

give yourself grace

Tisdale said that as a busy pregnant mom, she now allows herself to fully embrace her feelings without apology.

“I just let myself feel how I want to feel,” Teasdale explains. So I thought, I need a nap. I told my husband, ‘Now it’s your turn. I need to rest.

Tisdale isn’t afraid to set boundaries and make her needs known. “It’s not the easiest thing in the world [being pregnant]. This puts a lot of stress on our bodies and for me it’s really about being mindful, meditating and remembering to be present.

If you follow Tisdale on social media or have been a fan of hers for a while, you know that she’s big on self-care. She even launched a line of beauty, health and self-care products called Frenche at Target. And, she’s eager to offer some tips on self-care.

“I have a huge body care range that I developed while I was pregnant with Jupiter. So, this was an opportunity to use it [while pregnant with baby #2] Very cool. It has everything I love, like bath bombs, hair and body sprays and lotions,” Teasdale said.

Taking a long, relaxing bath was also one of Tisdale’s favorite pastimes. “My husband knows this. When I’ve had a long day, he already knows to start the bath. I’ll throw in a bath bomb, meditate, and light candles. And, I love creating a spa-like feel in my home. Experience. This is an easy habit to develop after putting down Jupiter, and it gives me a moment of relaxation and refreshment.

Tisdale won’t wait this long before baby No. 2 arrives because she understands that when you have two kids, things change. When asked about the best advice she’s ever received about what to expect after your baby is born, she candidly said: “Everyone says to be prepared! I think with your first child, you would say , “I’ve got this! “But, with two, I knew it was going to be something completely different. So, I was prepared to know that there might be more chaos here, but I chose to go with it rather than fight it.

Confidence advice for children and young people

Tisdale said she realized early on that her daughter had her own opinions and was very confident.

“Confidence is very important, and Jupiter is one of the people who is very confident in herself. She has her own opinion, and she has had her own opinion since she was a child. She always knows what she wants, and if you give her a choice, she will be very specific. When I’d go into a toy store and say, ‘You can buy anything you want,’ and she would pick out an item and it would be exactly what she wanted.

Teasdale said she believes it’s important to raise children to have their own voices and perspectives early on. Like her daughter, Tisdale said she has always been confident.

“I’ve always known what I wanted. I’ve always been confident in my choices. I think it’s more than just following. We’re all meant to lead in some way,” she said. “We have to remind our children that being different is a good thing. We are not supposed to be the same. When I was young, I didn’t think about it. My hair was different from everyone else’s and I thought that was a negative thing. thing, but now I understand that’s the most positive thing, you know? It’s nice to be different and unique because that’s who you are.

Passion for early childhood literacy

Tisdale said reading is integral to Jupiter’s bedtime routine. Some of Jupiter’s current favorites are Christmas hippopotamus books, desireand Buenos Aires: Good morning.

“This girl has tons of books. It’s so wild. We just found her Christmas hippopotamus Book. I don’t know if you know that song, but they turned it into a book and for some reason she thought it was the funniest thing ever,” Tisdale explained.

Tisdale was a natural choice to partner with LeapFrog because of her daughter’s interest in books. She said she admired the brand.

“I know them [LeapFrog] over the years and [early childhood literacy] “It’s a little overwhelming and a stressful milestone when it comes to teaching children to read,” Tisdale said. “But, my daughter is three and a half years old and she’s very interested in learning to read. To be honest, when we received It’s like Christmas morning with all the products. She loves every one of them and they do a great job teaching these basic reading skills. Our favorites are Mr. Pencil Scribble and All Write &. Read reading and writing products.

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