Chaya Raichik and TikTok Commentary Library

Jess Piper warns Ohio parents: “Chaya Raichik with TikTok Libs is about to invade your schools.”

Piper, executive director of Blue Missouri, recently cited an Aug. 26 tweet from Raichik: “I am looking for parents anywhere in Ohio with children in public schools to keep an eye on. Your identity will remain anonymous and protected. If If you meet this criteria, please message me privately.

Taken in isolation, this appeal to the eyes and ears is fairly neutral, if somewhat ominous (what is going on in Ohio that warrants anonymous surveillance?). But taken in context, this social media cattle-calling is deeply troubling.

“This woman and her group have been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center,” Piper claimed [writer’s note: more on that in a minute] Before continuing,”[but] They are still allowed to operate and terrorize students, teachers, and parents… She is doing the dirty work for the rich who want to privatize the public schools. Unfortunately, Ohio State is getting their attention.

For those unfamiliar with Raichik, TikTok Libs, here’s some background information that might be helpful…

Who is Chaya Rechik?

Chaya Raichik is a 29-year-old former real estate agent who runs TikTok’s Libs account (which, ironically, is no longer exist Tik Tok). She grew up in Los Angeles and lives in Brooklyn, where she works as a real estate agent. Around 2020, washington post According to reports, she began to appear frequently on social media, focusing on right-wing “culture war” issues such as denial of the new crown epidemic, allegations of election fraud in 2020, and the Q-Anon conspiracy theory surrounding child sex trafficking. She claimed she attended the January 6 “Stop the Steal” rally. Success dear.

What are TikTok Libs?

Libs of TikTok is Raichik’s multi-platform account, which continues to be involved in the issues she first started posting about in 2020, but is more focused on spreading anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theories and accusing the queer community of being “groomers” (although she has recently shied away from this characters) and oppose transgender rights, often by spreading false information and conspiracy theories under the guise of “protecting children.” In sharing content primarily from queer creators, which is often edited and almost always without context, she seeks to stoke anger against queer people and communities.

Through Libs of TikTok, Raichik has received support from members of the right-wing media (such as Rogan, Tucker Carlson and Jason Rantz, etc.) as well as far-right politicians and political entities. Lechik has worked with the Heritage Foundation and made appearances with Donald Trump, Indiana Congressman Jim Banks, and was even appointed to the Oklahoma State Library by state Governor Ryan Walters A member of the Media Advisory Committee (even though she doesn’t actually live in the state), she’s been seeking to get books about the book from the Oklahoma State Library. laugh at this content Porn. (Incidentally, both Rechik and Ryan cheered the dismantling of the Department of Education.)

Although TikTok has banned the account, the account still exists on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

The Southern Poverty Law Center labeled her an “extremist” linked to violent threats

So please pay attention quite A domestic terrorist organization (which makes sense considering she is only one person), but the SPLC highlights the harm she has done to children, LGBTQ+ people, doctors, hospitals, librarians, libraries, teachers, and schools.

While Lechik denies any connection between her content and threats of violence, a series of bomb threats were issued targeting specific schools and children’s hospitals that provide gender-affirming care after she denounced those institutions on the platform. Others, including at least one school board member in Wisconsin, claimed the notoriety on TikTok Libs prompted death threats.


As of press time, Raichik’s profile photo on Twitter shows her smiling broadly while holding a copy. USA Today The front-page headline read, “As TikTok’s Libs Release, Threats Follow.”

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