Coffee Brewing Tips for Busy Single Moms

Last updated on January 24, 2024 by Lori Pace

As a single mom, the hectic pace of daily life can often leave you craving a moment of peace and quiet.

Such a peaceful moment can be found in the ritual of brewing and enjoying a perfect cup of coffee. Whether you’re an experienced coffee drinker or a newbie looking for a better brew, understanding various coffee brewing techniques can enhance your coffee experience.

Delve deeper into your coffee preferences

The first step on your journey to the perfect cup of coffee is understanding your personal coffee preferences.

Today’s wide range of coffee beans, brewing methods and equipment means there’s an ideal cup for everyone – you just have to find it.

Unraveling this mystery starts with determining your coffee flavor profile and preferred brewing method, both of which can profoundly impact your coffee experience.

Uncover your flavor profile

Coffee is an extremely complex beverage with a variety of flavor profiles, from bright and fruity to deep, rich and dark. Being able to determine your preferences in this regard is key to choosing the right coffee beans and brewing method.

  • Strength: The strength of a coffee essentially refers to how rich its flavor is. Do you like your coffee rich and full of flavor? Or do you prefer a milder, smoother cup? This decision will affect the type of coffee beans you choose and the quantities used in the brewing process.
  • Acidity: Acidity in coffee refers not to its pH, but to its brightness or acidity. Some people like bright, acidic coffee with a punchy finish, while others like low-acid, smooth coffee. Recognizing where you stand on this scale can guide your coffee bean selection, as different coffee growing regions tend to produce beans with varying acidity levels.
  • Flavor: Coffee can exhibit a variety of flavors, from berry, citrus, and apple to chocolate, nuts, and spice. Take some time to decide which flavors you like in your coffee. This knowledge will be helpful when selecting coffee beans, as their flavor profiles are often described on the packaging.

Choose your brewing method

As a coffee lover who has tried various brewing methods, I can attest that the way you brew your coffee can significantly affect its flavor and strength. Don’t worry; I’ll consider your busy schedule and taste preferences to discover the brewing method that works best for you. Let’s take a deeper look at some popular brewing techniques that I’ve personally tried and tested to make sure you find the one that’s best for your coffee needs.

  • Drip Coffee: If you like convenience and consistency, an automatic drip coffee machine may be your choice.

These machines are easy to use and can brew large amounts of coffee at once, which is especially beneficial for busy single moms. The coffee produced generally has a medium strength and balanced flavor, making it popular among the crowd.

  • French Press: For those who like a strong, rich cup of coffee and don’t mind a little physical labor, a French press is ideal.

This method gives you more control over the strength of your brew and the extraction of flavor. By adjusting the brewing time, you can make the coffee as strong or mild as you like.

Brew the perfect French press coffee

A French press, also known as a press or plunger, is a simple and efficient way to brew coffee.

Known for their ability to fully extract flavor from the coffee grounds, French presses allow complete control over the brewing process, resulting in a unique, rich, rich cup of coffee.

Choose the perfect coffee beans and grind them

Choose the perfect coffee beans and grind them

As someone who has seriously explored the art of French press brewing, I can confidently assert that the quality of your coffee depends on two key factors: your choice of beans and their ideal grind size. Choosing high-quality, freshly roasted coffee beans has a noticeable impact on flavor. Additionally, using a coarse grind size similar to sea salt particles provides the perfect balance between flavor extraction and avoiding any bitterness. Together, these steps help you on your path to the perfect cup.

  • Coffee beans: For the best flavor, choose high-quality, freshly roasted coffee beans. Coffee is at its best within a few weeks of roasting, so use your beans within this time. When choosing coffee beans, recall your preferred flavor profile from the previous section and select beans with matching flavors.
  • Grind: A French press requires a coarse grind size – think sea salt granules. This is because a French press brews coffee by steeping it, just like tea, and a coarse grind ensures proper flavor extraction without making the coffee bitter.

It is recommended to use a burr grinder to achieve a consistent coarse grind. If you don’t have coffee beans, most coffee shops will grind them for you when you buy them.

The Art of French Press Brewing

Once you have your freshly roasted, coarsely ground coffee beans, you’re ready to brew. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Preheat the French Press: Start by rinsing the French press with hot water. This step will preheat the press and help maintain the temperature of the coffee during the brewing process, ensuring optimal flavor extraction.
  • Measure your coffee: Next, add the coffee to the pot. A good starting point is 1 tablespoon of coffee per 200 ml (6.7 oz) of water. However, feel free to adjust this ratio to suit your personal taste.
  • Add water: Pour hot water (not boiling, preferably around 200°F) into the pot, making sure all coffee grounds are completely submerged. Gently stir the mixture with a wooden or plastic spoon, making sure the water and coffee grounds are thoroughly mixed.
  • Steep: Place the lid on the French press and pull the plunger all the way up. Let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes. If you prefer a sturdier cup, you can let it steep longer.
  • Press and Pour: Press the plunger slowly and steadily. This action separates the coffee grounds from the water, stopping the brewing process. Pour the coffee into the cup immediately to prevent the coffee from sitting and brewing with the coffee grounds, which can lead to over-extraction and a bitter taste.

By mastering these steps, busy single moms can look forward to starting each day with a perfectly brewed, rich and aromatic cup of French press coffee.

Not only does it give you the caffeine you need, but the brewing process can also bring a moment of calm during a busy day. So take your time and enjoy the journey to the perfect cup of coffee.


Being a busy single mom shouldn’t mean sacrificing the little pleasures in life, like enjoying a perfect cup of coffee.

By understanding your coffee preferences and mastering brewing techniques, you can turn your daily cup of coffee into an enriching ritual.

Even in the middle of a busy day, find those moments of quiet contentment and savor the rich flavor and aroma of perfectly brewed coffee.

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