“Do you really like the person you marry?”

Even under the best of circumstances, husband/wife relationships have their ups and downs. No one can be the perfect partner, but a recent comment by TikTok user Neil Shyminsky, who goes by the handle @professorneil, has some asking why being an inconsiderate partner is such a comedy source.

Shiminski created a spliced ​​video of men on the golf course being asked “What time do you tell your wife you’re going to be home?” The first man was asked the question just after 7 p.m., and he responded Said he had told his wife he would be home around 5 o’clock, which made him about 2 hours late for the court. “You lose track of time: This happens to the best of us,” Shiminski said. But when others were asked, it was clear that this was a pattern: These guys all told their partners they would go home between 5 and 5:45, but were still playing at 7:30 p.m.

Szyminski quickly realized that the video wasn’t meant to be funny, but he didn’t find lying to a partner and disrespecting their time particularly humorous. He was also upset by the video’s most popular comment: “As long as he doesn’t care, I actually spent $1,000 on Amazon and I told him it’s only going to be $500 and you can stay as long as you want, baby. .

As Shyminsky spliced ​​the video, which has racked up more than 4,500 likes, the good professor posed a question to golfers, shoppers and those who found the video and popular comments funny: “You guys really like these Are you married? Or are you unhappy together? “

That’s a great question, and one that clearly resonates. As of press time, the video has been viewed approximately 1.7 million times, with nearly 161,000 likes and thousands of comments.

“They will all be caught off guard by a mysterious divorce,” one commenter replied.

“The irony is that in a loving relationship, if he wants to stay a little longer and do the things he loves, I’m fine with that if we don’t have schedule conflicts that day,” another wrote. “As long as he can Communicate it.”

Let’s be honest, folks: the phone number is right in your pocket. Just send a message and check it out.

Shiminski made a follow-up video questioning how these mutual lies and poor communication have become so normalized. “There are a lot of things in life that are hard, like being honest with your partner about when you’re going to be home, or like another example, how much money you spend online? These are not examples of difficulty.

This is a good point: life can be hard, and relationships can be hard, too. There’s no need to make things more difficult when you can solve the problem over a text, phone call, or honest conversation. When you choose to spend your life with someone, your life changes in many ways. One of the best parts of this arrangement is that you always have someone (or should have someone) in your corner, which can be amazing. But part of the benefit is realizing that there are people relying on you, too. So respect each other.

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