Exploring Pregnancy and New Mommy in the Spotlight with Jessica Tarloff – Podcast Episode 151

Exploring Pregnancy and New Mommy in the Spotlight with Jessica Tarloff – Podcast Episode 151

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If you’re a professional woman working outside the home, you know it’s crucial to maintain order and good routines to help you be successful at work and in life. Once you’re pregnant, it can be quite a challenge to work a demanding job while also overcoming morning sickness, fatigue, and all the other issues that pregnancy can bring. Not to mention figuring out your new path when you’re a new mom and balancing your new role with your career. There’s definitely a transition period, but eventually, you get into the groove and figure it out.

But imagine what it must be like for people in the public eye. . . They’re trying to navigate pregnancy and first-time motherhood in the spotlight! They must be under pressure that we don’t know about. Did they have it easier or harder? We got to get the scoop on how new mom of two Jessica Tarlov is maintaining motherhood and having a thriving career.

Who is Jessica Tarloff?

Jessica Tarlov, who has shoulder-length wavy brown hair, smiles at the camera. They wore a bright pink top with ruffles. The background is pure white.

Jessica Tarlov joined Fox News Channel in 2017 as a contributor and serves as co-host of the nation’s most-watched cable news show, five people.

Jessica graduated from Bryn Mawr College with a bachelor’s degree in history, holds two master’s degrees in political science and public policy, and a Ph.D. in Government from the London School of Economics and Political Science. As a new mother to two daughters, Cleo and baby Teddy, Jessica told the Los Angeles Times that having a new column on motherhood and parenting has given her a completely different perspective on the world. Jessica also opened up about her postpartum experience, as well as being a new mom and co-host of “The Five.” Jessica is a lifelong New Yorker who grew up in Tribeca and still lives there with her husband and daughter.

What did we discuss?

In this episode, we talk to Jessica about navigating pregnancy and early motherhood in a wonderful yet demanding career. We discuss how her personal and professional support system helped Jessica through pregnancy and early motherhood, how she maintains privacy as a mother in the public eye, and what advice Jessica has for expectant and new moms. Here are a few of the questions we discussed during our conversation:

  • How did you develop your passion for political science?
  • How has motherhood changed your view of the world?
  • Can you share some of your strategies for balancing publicity and privacy during pregnancy and early motherhood?
    • How do you decide which aspects of your life you are willing to share with the public and which aspects you choose to keep private?
  • Can you provide some examples of how your support system has impacted your personal and professional life and what moms should consider?
  • What advice would you give to women trying to balance professional responsibilities with the demands of pregnancy and early motherhood?
  • Looking back, what is the one piece of advice you wish you had received before becoming a mother?
  • How do you prioritize self-care and mental health while juggling the demands of a career and new motherhood?
    • When you feel overwhelmed, what strategies or support mechanisms do you turn to for relief and balance?
  • As a mother and professional, how do you deal with public scrutiny or input about your choices?
  • What advice would you give to a new mother?

my thoughts

As a working mom, hearing Jessica’s story about how she navigates motherhood in the midst of a busy career is completely relatable. While I’m not on cable TV and don’t have the Fox makeup team to help me ;), I can relate to a lot of what she’s saying. I heard her sincere love for her family and her career. These are also the things I am passionate about in life. Sometimes women feel they have to choose – to be a “good mother” (however you ideally define that) or Business is booming. But, as Jessica says in this episode, with a solid support system, a good schedule, time for yourself (self-care), and letting yourself feel your feelings (crying out if you need to), you able Do both and do them both well. Like Taylor Swift said, “I cry a lot, but I’m productive.” Jessica and I can totally relate to that!

If you’re a new mom or someone thinking about starting a family, and you also have (and love) a demanding career, this episode is for you. Hear Jessica’s stories and tips on how you can continue to pursue your dreams and passions as you become a mother.

Jessica Tarloff’s Resources

Thanks for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat. Please let us know what you think and if there are any other topics you’d like us to discuss. Cheers to your journey into motherhood!

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