A pregnant mom with a clipboard prepares for her First Trimester of pregnancy.

How Do You Prepare for the First Trimester of Your Pregnancy? 

Pregnancy needs proper care, as it changes a woman’s body. And these changes start appearing in the very first trimester. It is the time you need professional shared care. If you are an expecting mother, this comprehensive guide is for you to get yourself prepared for the first trimester. 

A pregnant mom with a clipboard prepares for her First Trimester of pregnancy.

First Trimester

The first three months, or 13 weeks, are recognized as the first trimester of pregnancy. This phase is full of excitement, with lots of different emotions taking place in your heart.

However, there are some cases wherein a woman does not discover that she is pregnant. By the time she has taken a pregnancy test, she is almost into the next trimester. Here, we’re going to discuss the expectations and how to get yourself prepared for this phase of pregnancy.

Let’s start with expectations.

First trimester expectations 

1. Fatigue

    Most women sweat out and feel tired during this trimester. And this phase continues until the third trimester because their body is developing a little one in them. This internal change brings a flood of emotional and physical changes.

    There is another change that is related to hormones. They also go up and down because of the extra fatigue and sleepiness that their bodies are going through. And in many cases, blood sugar and blood pressure levels usually dip, which again contributes to their tiredness.

    Simply put, expecting women to see physical and chemical changes, which are for sure not because of fatigue.

    How to prepare

    Now comes the most important section, which is dedicated to preparing for emotional swirls. Avoid being hard on yourself if you are extremely tired. Go to your bed and rest. Or, you may take a nap to feel fresh and energetic. 

    Many GPs recommend therapeutic lifestyle changes. These changes are good for you and your baby. Be open to getting some help from your partner, friends, and family. Another substantial thing is that rest is not the only way to deal with fatigue. Besides naps, you can take out some time for exercise every day. 

    For further changes, you must contact your GP and consider maternity shared care. However, a few may not be as active as they are supposed to be. For them, the only way to a healthy pregnancy is through activity. They may start gradually and follow a healthy lifestyle to stay active.

    Some simple exercises, meditation, and yoga will keep your blood pumping, which eventually reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and delivery complications. And for those who suffer from uncomfortable back or hip pain, swelling, and constipation, it is the most effective way to stay healthy.

    2. Morning Sickness

      Another common and dreadful complication is the morning sickness that a woman faces. It actually causes nausea and vomiting that can make you restless at any time of the day.

      This condition is dangerous for you and your baby because it leaves you dehydrated. So, if you cannot stop it or see any additional symptoms, contact your GP or shared healthcare professional.

      Though all women don’t necessarily experience nausea and vomiting, the percentage is almost half of them. It may be felt around the sixth week and can be settled down at the end of the first trimester.

      How to prepare

      Morning sickness hits because you take frequent meals and take naps right after having them. So, you need to eat in small portions and avoid napping straightaway. Also, this condition can leave you dehydrated. So, continue to lubricate yourself.

      Ginger is no less than an elixir to control morning sickness. If you like it, go ahead and stock it in your kitchen for ginger tea or ginger drops. Or, you can also have ginger ale. These drinks can keep your stomach healthy.

      For those who can invest in essential oils, peppermint, lemon, or lavender oils can bring relief from morning sickness. You can just inhale by adding any of them to a diffuser or simply massage them either on your wrists or the bottoms of your feet. Aromatherapy with oils can keep you fresh and healthy.

      If you cannot do it every time, simply put a couple of drops of oil on a cotton ball and preserve it in a sealed container in your purse. Pull it out and inhale whenever you feel uneasy or like vomiting.

      If these hacks don’t do anything good, you may ask your GP so that he or she can suggest a safe anti-nausea medication. 

      3. Breast Changes

        Besides morning sickness, pregnancy hormones can cause changes in your breast size. They will be bigger, tenderer, and a little swollen. Moreover, the nipples also seem sore and a little larger. These changes will be similar to those you saw before your period. 

        How to prepare

        You cannot do anything about the size of your breasts but buy new bras. Buy the ones that fit your existing size, which can be one or two cup sizes. For tenderness, ensure wearing something comfortable to wear and brings some relief to the soreness.

        The increased size of the breast may cause stretch marks. As a proactive measure, you can talk to your GP or shared care expert about a stretch mark cream. For sore nipples, a pair of soft cotton breast pads will be soothing. So, prepare your mindset for it.

        Itching can also be a concern, which is caused by a change in breast size during pregnancy. You can consult about the relieving medication or lotion to prevent it by moisturizing the area.

        If nothing works well and your breasts hurt continuously, use a loose sports bra so that it can hold them in place. Sometimes, this hack relieves pain.

        4. Cravings and Food Aversion

          The next change can be seen in your appetite and diet. Many women notice both cravings for food and distaste during the first few weeks of pregnancy. They may start desperately wanting to have a certain kind of food, which can be tangy, spicy, or sweet, like ice cream, for example. Or, this craving can be an unusual combination of foods like chocolate and pickles.

          There is another type of craving, which is for non-food items like dirt, chalk, soap, etc. This condition is called pica, which indicates a mineral deficiency. You must avoid these cravings for non-food items. They can be unhealthy for the mother and the baby. For further details relating to complications, discuss how to counter PICA with your general practitioner (GP). 

          There is another condition associated with food, which is aversion. It is an odd feeling that you may develop for certain foods that you might have loved before.

          How to prepare

          Keep your kitchen filled with all the foods that are healthy and that you crave. But never do it with the junk food. You may think of some healthy alternatives to munch, whose calorie count is way lower. For example, you can replace unhealthy ice cream with healthy yogurt.

          If your aversion is to healthy food, try to intake it in a different way. For example, you may not like green leafy vegetables, but their soup with corn can be an amazing alternative.

          5. Your Emotions

            You might be torn by your emotions during this trimester. Your mind and heart might be soaking up good thoughts, changing your emotions and hormones as well. You might be high or low in terms of emotions, and mood swings will be common. 

            How to prepare

            Calm down and take a deep breath to toss out overwhelming emotions. Be at peace.

            Pregnancy’s first trimester is challenging. It can bring fatigue, morning sickness, breast changes, cravings, and food aversions, among other emotions. You must be prepared to deal with them. It is strongly suggested to consult with your general practitioner (GP) and prefer pregnancy-shared care so that the entire pregnancy, from the first trimester to the last one, remains safe and healthy. 

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