How to get motivated instantly


It can be as elusive as a TV remote. And, once discovered, it can easily slip away again. That’s why as a busy single mom, it’s crucial to have some instant inspiration ideas on hand.

What we need is a motivational “blow”. The power bursts and the results are immediate. No matter how tired, busy, or stressed we are, we must conjure up motivation like magic so that we can focus passionately on the task at hand.

Have you lost your can-do attitude? Has your drive to succeed gone?

Don’t despair.

Staying motivated isn’t always easy. But these simple yet effective tips will keep you motivated and energized, one goal at a time.

10 Tips for Motivation

1. Find your power pose

The first thing to do when you’re low on motivation is to find your power poses. How does your body language make you feel? Do you support the “tired” image of being hunched over and looking down? If so, then it’s time to strike a power pose. Stand (or sit) proudly, with your shoulders back and your head held high. Act like you mean business and others will follow suit.

2. Boost your motivation by eating chocolate (yay!)

Diet plays a big role in how we feel. The food we consume is our fuel. It’s easier to be motivated when your belly is full and happy. Food affects our mental performance, energy levels, and focus. Pick The Brain recommends motivational snacks like dark chocolate, blueberries, eggs, and nuts. So snack wisely. Oh, and remember to drink plenty of water. When you’re dehydrated, you have no motivation. Staying hydrated will make you feel awake, alert, and overall happier.

For information on energy-boosting supplements, see: Energy Tips for Tired Moms.

3. Go green

You might be surprised to know that we are inspired by certain colors. According to the Motivation Map, green is the most motivating color of all, followed by blue and red. Whenever I don’t feel like completing a task, I wear bright colors. Just looking in the mirror already motivates me. You can try it too! Incorporate some green into your day. Make green smoothies. Take a walk in the green park. Or wear green clothes. Add some red and blue to create an inspiring rainbow.

4. Take a powerful shower

It’s hard to feel motivated if you’re feeling sluggish. No matter what time of day, if you have ten minutes to spare, you can jump in the shower and be instantly rejuvenated. A short break will eliminate your procrastination and negative emotions. Regroup, reinvent and become a new woman. It may even help if you clean your teeth. The fresher you feel, the more likely you are to complete your tasks.

5. Write a quick list to stay on track

Lack of motivation may be due to having too much to do. Single moms love to multitask, but that’s not always the right thing to do. If you find yourself doing a lot of tasks but never completing any of them, your motivation will plummet. Make a to-do list and complete it systematically. Every time you complete a task, cross it off. Doing this will help you achieve your goals in no time! Plus, you’ll get a huge sense of accomplishment, motivating you to keep going.

See the “You’ve Got This” Single Mom eCourse for more ideas on time division and multitasking for busy single moms.

Tips for not losing motivation

6. See it with your own eyes and believe it

It’s easy to forget the reasons for performing a particular task. Overcome this obstacle by trying to visualize the end result. This can be as simple as imagining how gorgeous your house will look after it’s cleaned. Or imagine how great you’ll look (and feel) when you hit the gym or finish a home workout. Keeping the end result in the back of your mind will help keep you motivated. And banish negative thoughts!

7. Extrinsic motivation

There are two types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within and extrinsic motivation comes from outside. It comes in the form of rewards or bonuses. How can we get our kids to do things? Of course we bribe them! Why do we do this? Because it works! It applies to us too. Rewards motivate us to work harder to complete tasks.

When you complete a task, promise yourself to enjoy it. Not only will you get it done, you’ll do it faster. After ironing, just a cup of coffee and a biscuit is enough. You will become super productive, you deserve it.

8. Call a friend

If self-motivation is failing you, invite a close friend or family member to join you. Whenever you feel depressed, it can help to call someone you trust. Just make sure you choose someone who is encouraging and enthusiastic. Just expressing your feelings and getting good motivational advice is enough to get you started. However, choose your motivation wisely. Finding motivation from positive people goes a long way. Don’t call the friend who suggests you go have a drink together before working on your assignment…no matter how cute they are.

9. If you’re lacking motivation, play some tunes

It’s a proven scientific fact that music makes us feel inspired and the power of sound can have a huge positive impact on your life. Whether it’s your typical power track or tunes that inspire you, make sure they’re always on hand. Put on headphones and instantly double your motivation. Feel free to sing and dance as a lack of physical activity can lead to procrastination. We don’t want that!

10. Find a mantra to stay motivated

If you don’t have a spell, now is the time to get one. If you can’t think of anything original, here’s a list of spells I’ve made before. Just a sentence or two can inspire you. Write it down, stick it on your refrigerator or screen, and save it to your phone or computer. Repeat under your breath or shout it from the rooftops. It may seem crazy, but this simple move can maximize your motivation.

gain momentum

Reward tips when it’s hard to be motivated

Avoid things that make you feel unmotivated (goodbye negative motivation!)

Starting a task can be difficult, especially when you don’t have the motivation. Lack of motivation comes not only from within, but also from the surrounding environment. Avoid things that drain your energy, such as negative people or cluttered spaces. If social media makes you feel like you’re not good enough, limit it. When things get tough, set small, clear, and achievable goals. Surround yourself with supportive friends who will inspire you. When you do this, you’ll feel more positive and get your work done in no time. When I eliminated all the negativity in my life, I was able to create a happier environment for my children.

A regular life can gain motivation

Start your day with a simple plan. Wake up at the same time, eat a healthy breakfast, and set small goals for the day. The purpose of a routine is to create a sense of control and accomplishment. Add some “me time” into your daily life, even if it’s just 10 minutes of quiet time or a quick walk. In my experience, breaking tasks into smaller steps makes them more manageable. Doing this will also make it easier to get back on track.

Why is motivation important?

Motivation is important because it drives you to work towards your set goals despite life’s challenges. It helps you wake up early, juggle work, and meet the needs of your kids at the same time. When you’re not motivated, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. But when you stay motivated, you set a positive example for your children. Motivation can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, whether you want to get a promotion, provide a better life for your family, or simply maintain your own happiness. It reminds you why you work so hard even when things don’t go according to plan. Staying motivated means constantly being reminded of your worth and the bright future you have for your children.

Summary: Ways to inspire motivation

Motivation is what drives us forward. Staying motivated may not always be easy, but with the right approach, it’s entirely possible. Remember, your motivations directly impact the well-being of your family. Sometimes it may feel like you haven’t accomplished anything. But remember, you don’t always have to focus on long-term goals. Start taking small steps toward an achievable goal and celebrate each success. Seek support from other single moms or support groups. Sharing experiences can provide encouragement and help boost your motivation and energy.

Whenever I need motivation, I practice positive self-talk. I focus on my strengths and accomplishments rather than my setbacks. Don’t forget that your mental state is most important. So take it once a day. Every day is an opportunity to make progress. Following the tips above will help you stay motivated to manage your responsibilities effectively. You are doing a great job and one day everything you want to achieve for you and your children will be yours.

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