How to Honor Your Parenting Journey and Enjoy Every Moment with OliviaR – Podcast Ep 153

How to Honor Your Parenting Journey and Enjoy Every Moment with OliviaR – Podcast Ep 153

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I don’t know about you, but I always knew, even as a child, that I wanted to be a mother. My dream is to grow up and have children, create special family traditions, and be a very involved and loving mother. I had hoped my journey to motherhood would be smooth sailing. I know my mother went through some difficulties getting pregnant with me and my twin brother, but I am hopeful.

As an adult, as I entered my career in the world of motherhood, I quickly realized how common this was for people no The smoothest start to parenthood—pregnancy and childbirth. Over the years, I’ve heard thousands of stories from women about becoming a mother. Each one, like a fingerprint, has its own unique story. Today’s guest, Irina Reeves, is no exception. During our chat, I was inspired by her outlook on life and how she turned her journey into motherhood into something beautiful.

Who is Irina Reeves?

Irina Reeves headshot

Irina Reeves is a wife, mother of a beautiful baby girl, and founder of OliviaR, a jewelry company dedicated to celebrating the unique connection between loved ones.

Irina grew up in Russia, in a culture that encouraged very traditional family values: men went to work, women became mothers and stayed at home. But as a teenager in Moscow, Irina quickly realized that her ambitions and interests often differed from those around her. She felt it was her responsibility to explore the world, travel, go to school, get a degree, have her own career, and one day become a mother. She knew she could have the best of both worlds – have a career and be a mother.

Irina first went to university in Moscow, then earned a second master’s degree in London, and then a third master’s degree in New York. It was in New York that she met her now-husband and the direction of her life became clear and began to unfold. She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and 15-month-old daughter Olivia.

Olivia’s StoryR

The birth of OliviaR is a very personal place for Irina. Three years ago, Irina experienced the heartache of a miscarriage. Like many of us, she never thought her journey to parenthood would be so simple. She thought pregnancy should be simple and intuitive, but when her journey began it wasn’t and she was heartbroken. Irina said she felt very alone when she suffered a miscarriage. It was hard for her to explain the pain and heartache she was experiencing.

After doing research and reaching out to the community, Irina heard the stories of many other women and parents who had experienced the same loss. It made her feel at ease and no longer isolated in her grief. Irina realizes that–just like being a parent–the path to success become Parenting is anything but linear. Through the comfort of her community and the loving encouragement of her husband, Irina began to transform her grief into something beautiful and meaningful. So OliviaR was founded as a tribute to the amazing, messy, and beautiful journey of parenthood. Her brand celebrates the courage and strength it takes to face the inevitable challenges of parenthood, while honoring the foundation of loving family.

What did we discuss?

In this episode, we talk to Irina about motherhood, honoring your parenting journey, enjoying time, and her jewelry company, OliviaR. Here are a few of the questions we discussed during our conversation:

  • Please tell us about you, your company, and your journey to motherhood.
  • What inspired you to start OliviaR?
    • How has your journey to motherhood shaped your brand?
  • Please tell us more about the mission, meaning and passion behind OliviaR.
  • How do you commemorate your journey to motherhood?
  • When you’re in the middle of a parenting dilemma, the phrase “enjoy every moment” can sometimes feel impossible or cliché. How can we change this perception?
  • What challenges have you faced on your journey?
  • Where do you draw inspiration from when designing your jewelry?
  • How do you juggle being a mother and a business owner?
  • What are your future personal and professional goals?
  • What is one thing you wish you had told your younger self?
  • What advice would you give to a new mother?

my thoughts

As I listen to Irina’s story, there are times when my heart aches for her and others and is filled with pride at the same time. She goes through highs and lows like most of us, but she has a refreshing perspective on life. From what I have read, Irina believes that we all have an environment to learn and grow in, that everything happens for a reason, and that you are the perfect parent for your child. Your children choose you. She wants us all to continue to believe in ourselves, follow our hearts, and do what is best for us and our families. Irina’s optimism and perseverance in turning challenges into triumphs are inspiring.

It’s clear that Irina and her company, OliviaR, understand that everyone’s journey to parenthood is unique. Whether you’re celebrating the joy of a long-awaited pregnancy, honoring a loved one from afar, or simply cherishing the wonder of family, her jewelry is a tangible reminder of the love and hope that’s been there through it all. Looking down at your OliviaR creations is such a beautiful and special way to remind people of that love and connection. Click here to purchase a piece and start your OliviaR collection to commemorate your connection to your loved one. You can even request one custom made!

Irina’s Resources

Thanks for listening to this episode! Be sure to follow us on our podcast Instagram page @thebabychickchat and OliviaR on Instagram @oliviarbyirina and order your special piece today! Cheers to your journey into parenthood and enjoy the moment!

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