How to keep your child’s home safe

Last updated on May 7, 2024 by Kathy

Living remotely offers peace and freedom, but it also comes with its fair share of security challenges, especially if you have children. In this case, home security becomes crucial.

This handy guide will walk you through practical steps to ensure your home remains safe, no matter how remote you are.

Invest the time in protection; it’s a small price to pay and you’ll get priceless peace of mind!

6 home safety tips for your children when living in remote areas

1. Is the driveway long? Use door plus automatic door opener

Long driveways can be tiresome for opportunistic thieves. Using a gate at the entrance gives them another obstacle to overcome. However, manual doors can mean more work on your part, especially during inclement weather or late at night.

What’s the solution? Automatic door opener!

For example, imagine using an All-O-Matic door operator that not only magically opens your door when you approach, but also ensures that your premises cannot be invaded. This functionality is essential for maintaining security in remote homes.

2. Quality Locks: A Small Investment in Home Security

You’d be surprised how often homeowners overlook the quality of their locks. While it may seem like a simple measure, installing high-quality locks on your doors and windows can significantly improve the security of your home and prevent theft.

Make sure you invest in a strong, tamper-resistant lock for optimal protection.

Your remote location provides a sense of solitude, but an extra layer of security ensures peace of mind when bedtime rolls around. When it comes to your child’s safety, you won’t skimp on a good lock.

High quality locks

3. Outdoor lighting solutions that deter intruders

Believe it or not, something as simple as good lighting can play a big role in home security. Keeping driveways and home entrances well-lit can deter potential intruders from approaching your property.

Burglars often like to carry out their crimes under the cover of darkness. Therefore, install high-powered outdoor lights to illuminate every corner of your space as night falls. Let there be light and let it scare away uninvited guests!

4. Security cameras and alarm systems: Big Brother’s eyes and ears

Did you know that the mere sight of a security camera can often deter potential intruders? Combine this with a state-of-the-art alarm system to create an invisible but strong shield around your property.

Surveillance cameras provide the psychological advantage of being “watched,” while active alarm systems deter any adventurous individuals from trying their luck.

It may seem like a significant upfront investment, but the peace of mind it brings when living in a remote location away from the hustle and bustle of the city is priceless.

5. Teach children the basics of home safety

Educating your children on basic home safety measures is just as important as implementing them. As part of encouraging good behavior, start by explaining to them why leaving doors and windows unlocked could be a threat. Let them understand the important role a well-lit yard plays in maintaining a safe home.

Teach them not to leave the house without permission and how to behave when interacting with strangers, especially when opening doors.

In addition to strengthening your defenses, this can also instill awareness and responsibility in them from an early age. This is a good thing because for a home to be truly safe, everyone in the home should be safe.

6. The power of good neighborliness in remote areas

When living remotely, staying connected to your nearest neighbors can be a powerful tool. There needs to be an agreement between you to keep an eye on each other’s homes.

This awareness forms a close-knit community watch, further deterring bad actors who might risk a long journey to disturb your peace.

After all, while your remote location provides a sense of solitude, it doesn’t mean you’re completely alone in your safety. There is protection in the community – just one more way a neighborly smile pays off!


All in all, keeping your children safe at home at a distance depends on practical solutions and an alert mindset. Implement these steps today to make tomorrow safer. Because, no matter how far down the road you live, inner peace is always closer than you think.

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