“I secretly hope my husband is having an affair”

If there’s one thing you can always count on from late summer, it’s that wonderful feeling that you might lose your mind at any given moment. From trying to squeeze in those last minutes of “freedom” to dealing with the back-to-school craze, we’re all a little… exhausted. The corporate grind might prepare you to give two weeks’ notice and start working as a barista. Maybe it was your mother-in-law, your sister, or even (most likely) your children who put you in a desperate situation. But everyone is just over it Judging from this week’s confessional roundup, so far.

And, yes, that’s stalking! Read on for some relevant revelations, from understandable annoyance and revulsion to menopausal pain, financial stress, and more.

Horrible Mom Confessions is a tried and tested part of what makes our site so fun. If you’d like to confess anonymously, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. To browse past Confessions, go here.

I dreaded every interaction with my in-laws.

Confession #57276512

I can’t stand my best friend’s kid and the way she raised him.

Confession #56642114

Sometimes I want to quit my corporate job and become a barista.

Confession #55262252

Balancing career ambitions and family time makes me anxious inside.

Confession #55606214

My mom is hot and cold with me (very cold right now) and it hurts.

Confession #56928330

I’ve been planning this vacation for a year. The people I came with were ruining everything for me.

Confession #57385116

When my husband drinks, I lose interest.

Confession #56582255

I’m really tired of being anxious all the time. So tired. I’m just too tired.

Confession #57691349

My kids are angels in school but terrible at home. I’m exhausted.

Confession #55987858

I secretly wish my husband would have an affair so he would admit he doesn’t love me anymore.

Confession #52866612

Menopause is killing me! No one around me understands me.

Confession #53772449

I think my sister is causing a lot of her own parenting problems but don’t know how to tell her.

Confession #55714647

Sometimes I get angry because my husband doesn’t make enough money to support us.

Confession #56902157

I hate that we can’t afford a house while both kids are in day care full time.

Confession #54973486

I’ve been having sex too frequently lately and I feel like I’m always in the mood, or is it my husband?

Confession #57031489

The astronomical cost of living made it impossible for us to raise another child, which crushed me.

Confession #53234321

I was miserable going home for the holidays. I don’t miss going home!

Confession #57762095

What are you thinking about now?

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