J.D. Vance says he’s ‘upset’ by teachers without kids

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance also can’t order donuts, and he came under criticism after a 2021 audio clip of Vance making one resurfaced. interesting (also called offensive and untrue) statements about teachers.

The Ohio senator went after childless teachers, saying they made him “upset” and “disoriented.”

In the resurfaced video, Vance speaks at a forum hosted by the Center for Christian Virtue and attacks “leftist leader” and American Federation of Teachers president Randy Weingarten for not having children.

“A lot of the leaders on the left, and I don’t want to get so personal, but they are childless people, trying to brainwash the minds of our children, it’s really disorienting to me and disturbing to me,” Vance said in the clip. .

So, let’s get this straight: Vance is disturbed by a childless person teaching children, but rising maternal mortality in red states, food insecurity in America, and more than 200 mass shootings in 2024 alone Didn’t make him blink – okay, cool, got it!

He continued: “Randi Weingarten is the president of the most powerful teachers union in the country, but she doesn’t have a child. If she wants to brainwash and destroy children’s minds, she should have some of her own , leave our thoughts alone.

In a post on It is sad and insulting to school teachers and none of them should have been targeted.” Family decisions. “

She continued: “Teachers who are now in back-to-school mode are helping other people’s children every day. Those who provide a virtuous service to our community should be praised, not vilified.

Vance’s latest renewed comments come weeks after he faced criticism after he called key Democrats “a bunch of cat ladies who don’t have kids” in a 2021 video.

He defended his remarks, emphasizing that he was “a real person” and that his remarks had been misinterpreted by Democrats.

“I’m a real person. I make jokes, I say things sarcastically. I think it’s important that we focus on policy,” he said.

I know when I think of JD Vance, I think of super funny jokes!

Vance’s camp stepped up its offensive rhetoric this week after the comments resurfaced on social media.

Taylor Van Kirk, a spokesman for Vance, said the Ohio senator “will continue to call out this nonsense to protect our children,” NBC News reported.

Van Kirk added: “There is nothing more important to America’s children than radicals like Randy Weingarten, backed by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, peddling left-wing ideas in our schools. A bigger threat.

I think the statistics on how many children are killed or shot at in schools may differ, but I digress!

Also, if anyone can cite the “BS” being “peddled” by teachers who just want their students to tie their shoes and complete their spelling tests, please let me know! Do Vance and his supporters really think teachers in this country have time to do anything? anything else Aside from the daunting task of educating our children under impossible circumstances?

Also, this is the same person who thinks women need to be housewives, right? Women are their best selves when they’re raising children, right? Well, about 75% of American public school teachers are women!

So, which one is it? Should women stay at home? Or should teachers have children? Again, women can’t win!

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