Mom accidentally bought 13 pounds of frosting at Sam’s Club

How much frosting is too much frosting? Some may think the question itself is ridiculous. The frosting is deliciousyou might think, so the limit doesn’t exist. Well, until this morning, I probably agreed with you. But today, I saw a woman on TikTok accidentally buy 13 pounds of vanilla buttercream frosting, and it turned out that it was actually too much.

“Kate,” who posts as @bloomsandbakeskate on TikTok, recently shared a post of herself walking through a big box store.

“I’m going to throw up right now,” she laughs nervously at the beginning of the video. “I was at Sam’s Club and went to the bakery. I said ‘Do you only sell frosting or icing for cakes?’ Kate learned that they do sell whipped cream and buttercream in tubs. Perfect! Just what she needed ……still……?

“This is what she put in my shopping cart,” Kate continued, showing off about a five-gallon bucket of frosting. “Like, this is a full cat litter sized thing! I have too much social anxiety to be like, ‘Oh, that’s okay. I didn’t realize it was 45 pounds. How much do you think this costs?’

Did you leave it in the store? That’s not really an option since the frosting inside is frozen (sidebar: a five-gallon tub of frozen frosting feels like you should need some kind of background check to buy it because that’s a damn weapon).

That’s the end of the film, but luckily there’s a follow-up to answer our most pressing questions…

I’m not going to lie: after Kate bought it, I was kind of expecting more to happen once the icing on the cake was added. I mean, tell me this doesn’t sound like a Seinfeld B-plot. Like, George accidentally bought too much frosting and then Kramer decided to use it in some scheme that ultimately failed? But it turns out real life is much more low-key.

Kate explained that she did buy the tub, which weighed 13 pounds (not the hyperbolic 45 pounds). “For everyone who’s wondering about the price, the price was $28.46, and honestly, I thought the price was pretty good. I thought it would be around fifty dollars or more.

Same. Especially when you consider that a 16-ounce can available at the grocery store costs about $2, and at the same price per pint, this bucket costs about $80.

still: size All this.

“For everyone saying ‘This is Sam’s Club, what do you expect?’ I expected a large gallon size container of ice cream,” Kate explained. Maybe even two gallons. Because I buy a lot of groceries at Sam’s Club and they’re never handed to me in a five-gallon bucket.

Luckily, she was able to break some of the frosting into smaller batches and refreeze them. Plus, this icing worked great for the project she originally purchased it for; a beautifully decorated floral cake for her mom’s birthday. Still, the cake was small, so there was still a lot of frosting to deal with, and most of the tub still took up space in her refrigerator, and the cupcakes she planned to take to work would only burn through so much…

“If you have any ideas on what I could do with twelve and a half pounds of frosting,” she says at the end of the video, “please let me know.”

A humble suggestion: remember how Scrooge McDuck swam in a vault full of coins. duck story? That’s just vanilla frosting. Just promise me you’ll think about it…

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