Mom accidentally invites all her contacts to her daughter’s birthday

Most of us probably remember some sort of digital whooping, where a message was sent somewhere other than its intended recipient. One time, I was texting a friend to talk about another friend, only to realize I was texting the person I was talking about. (Thankfully, I don’t say this to their face.) But others aren’t so lucky.

In a recently replayed video, TikTok user Emily King, who posts under the handle @twodachshundkings, talked about accidentally inviting nearly 500 people to her daughter Ivy’s birthday.

“I just made an Evite for my daughter’s first birthday party,” she began, sounding as if she was holding back her laughter while also being scared.

“Evite says ‘Import Contacts?’ I thought it might import the selection. Nope.

To be honest, at this point I was screaming and experiencing intense feel ashamed of othersa German word that refers to the vicarious embarrassment you feel toward another person. But things get worse…

“Not only did I invite my boss, all my coworkers, everyone who’s ever been saved on my phone, but it also sent the invitation Based on how they are stored on my phone,” she explained. “‘Derek [Eyeroll Emoji]he received an invitation. “Jess hit her car in the parking lot…”

Panicked. I was really panicking. Honestly, this was the moment I realized my only way out was to walk into the ocean or jump into a volcano. Kim seemed to feel similarly.

“I have to quit my job or find a new identity,” she joked.

“How did Evite create this feature and ultimately think ‘yeah, this is what people want’?” marveled one commenter.

To its credit, Evite changed the feature “so it doesn’t happen to other users” and named it the “Emily Patch.” They also sent King a $250 DoorDash gift certificate to help fund a larger party.

“Evite needs to sponsor this party,” said another.

“OMG, imagine all my old Tinder dates inviting Evite to my daughter’s party,” laughed a third.

In fact, according to reports today, King invited “Justin Delta Sky Lounge,” a cute guy she flirted with when she was 21, as well as all of her ex-boyfriends, and a guy listed only as “the cute guy at the bar.” She also invited 70 of her current students.

But the most popular comments were those asking for an update.

Fortunately, everything seems to end well. ivy is beautiful Lord of the Rings-The themed birthday party seemed to come together perfectly, and while it was well attended, it didn’t appear to be 487 people… although a few dozen surprise invitations did show up.

Luckily Kim is a “the more the merrier” kind of mom!

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