Mom shares heartwarming moment with daughter at birthday lunch

As parents, I think we all dream of having special, perfect, unforgettable moments of love and care with our children… but being able to capture them on film is rare.

Recently, mom Danielle Eilers, who posts as @danielleeilers on TikTok, shared a video of her daughter’s birthday lunch in which she spoke clearly about all the good things her little girl Eve has brought to her life.

The two headed to the American Girl Cafe (10/10, no notes, I wish someone took me there too). Eve’s face seemed to be covered in chocolate, which in itself was a sign of a good day. In between meals, Ehlers took a moment to share heartfelt words of love with her little one.

“My life got so much better when you were born and I feel so blessed that God gave you to me five years ago,” she said emphatically, and Eve chuckled.

“I can’t believe you’re only five years old. You know what I love about you? You’re so kind. I’ve been saying that since you were a baby. When you were six months old, I wrote you I wrote a letter and I said, ‘I can feel the way you love me in the way you look at me.

Eve seemed to become depressed as her mother covered her eyes with her fists and continued. Ellers continued…

“You’re going to change people’s lives. You changed my life because of how much you love me and how much you love me. ….I’m so lucky to have you. …You make my life so happy. I don’t know What would I do without you. You are my best friend.

After the kiss and hug, Ehlers wiped her mouth and Eve took a moment to take it all in before asking…

“Can I brush her hair?”

I’d like to go ahead and speculate that she’s talking about her American Girl dolls, but that just goes to show how kids enjoy a sweet moment, but eventually, almost always move on to the next thing.

The commenter is here For this healthy moment, whether it’s because they can relate to it as a mother or parent who has experienced such a magical moment, or because they long for such a moment.

“Crying about mommy issues,” @therealhelloprincess replied. “I like this.”

“She’ll be very emotionally secure,” marveled @asdfghlhjsj.

“The communication you have with your baby is so beautiful!” said @daisymaisymora. “I wish every kid could experience this!!”

Even the official American Girl account was crying at their desk. They also commented on the video, asking Ellers to check her DMs for “a little extra special birthday magic.”

(I’m not jealous of a 5 year old at all, why are you looking at me like that?)

So, let this be a small reminder not to forget to express the love in our hearts whenever possible because it will change our children’s lives and our relationships with them.

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