“My husband caught me in an affair”

When you’re about to have a baby, people may warn you about the impending storm of diaper blowouts, sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, and more. Thing a fries (all it takes is an ill-timed crunch in the kitchen for the entire vulture family to drop). That’s just one relatable moment shared in this week’s confessional roundup — read on to learn more about summer vacations, gold-digging stepparents, relationship affairs, and more.

Horrible Mom Confessions is a tried and tested part of what makes our site so fun. If you’d like to confess anonymously, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. To browse past Confessions, go here.

My kids are driving me crazy! There are 34 days until school starts!

Confession #61728819

The second child is due next month. Fear of family coming to “help”

Confession #61721162

I’m in my early 40s and feel like I have no sex drive anymore

Confession #61521718

8 months pregnant and can’t stand my baby husband wants him gone!

Confession #66152718

My daughter’s separation anxiety is driving me crazy!

Confession #61521558

My husband had no empathy for me during my postpartum period.

Confession #61721881

There is nothing I hate more than feeding my children.

Confession #65162537

I eat in the bathroom with the door closed so the kids can’t see or hear me opening a bag of chips.

Confession #61527116

Everything is falling apart and I can’t afford to live now

Confession #61728122

My dad is remarrying, to an obvious money worshiper, which is putting a strain on our family

Confession #61527166

I wish it weren’t so, but hell is hell when I take my three kids to the store.

Confession #61521879

Being my sister’s Ministry of Health drives me crazy

Confession #61428177

I hate my job. But I did make a lot of money. I feel trapped.

Confession #61552162

I suffer from severe imposter syndrome at work.

Confession #61723918

My husband caught me in an affair and I’m honestly not sorry about it

Confession #67182881

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