New York Small Business Grants

Last updated on May 23, 2024 by Kathy

Are you a small business owner in New York looking for financial assistance to meet your challenges? Don’t hesitate any longer! This comprehensive guide will explore the different small business grants available in New York to help you find the one that best suits your needs.

While small businesses face revenue declines, a variety of grants from state and federal agencies, as well as private institutions, can provide you with the support you need to survive and adapt. Whether you are in need of seed capital, an early-stage business looking to expand exports, or working in the tourism industry, there are a variety of opportunities to explore.

In addition, we will provide information about eligibility criteria and the application process to make accessing these valuable resources easier. Get ready to find financial assistance available to help your small business thrive in New York’s changing environment.

If you are a small business owner in New York looking for guidance and support, the New York State Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is here to assist! SBDC is a federal grant that provides a range of services to help small businesses address entrepreneurial challenges.

Their key areas of focus are helping businesses access high-quality business consultants and employee training programs. SBDC not only provides financial assistance, but also provides valuable resources and information to equip business owners with the appropriate skills and knowledge to help them run a successful business.

Additionally, SBDCs can provide networking opportunities for micro-enterprises, which are often critical to local economies. They understand the importance of these small businesses in driving the economy and can provide the necessary tools and resources to help them thrive.

The New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) is a valuable resource for small business owners in the city. They provide a variety of services and support to help entrepreneurs thrive in the competitive New York market.

One of the main services provided by SBS is the Small Business Grants Program. The grant is designed to provide incentives of up to $25,000 to New York City businesses. Therefore, helping existing and new businesses grow and succeed.

SBS offers grants that are context-specific and address the specific needs and challenges faced by small business owners in the community. Whether you want to expand your business or invest in new technology, SBS can offer grants to help you achieve your goals.

The Global New York Fund grant is another New York State Empire State development program. This grant program is designed to provide financial assistance to New York-based small and medium-sized companies and nonprofit organizations seeking to expand their products and services in the international business arena.

By participating in the program, you can receive grants to help you become more competitive in the global marketplace. With support from the Global New York Funding Program, you can take your business to new heights and take advantage of international opportunities.

The program reimburses 50% or up to $25,000 of the costs of starting or expanding an export project for small businesses. At the same time, nonprofits can gain better leverage and receive reimbursement of 75% of the total cost of the export project or up to $100,000.

In addition to financial assistance, you will benefit from a global network of trade experts who can provide you with valuable guidance and support throughout the export process. They can help you navigate international markets, identify potential buyers and develop an effective export market strategy.

Like Global New York Fund grants, the STEP program provides small business grants in New York designed to support business growth and promote economic growth by helping exporting companies become more competitive in global markets.

Through the STEP program, you can receive financial assistance of up to $10,000 to cover qualified expenses related to international trade activities, such as attending trade shows, market research, international marketing events and export training.

By leveraging these grants, you can take your business to new heights and reach customers around the world, ultimately driving revenue growth and creating new opportunities for success.

Unleashing the power of community organizing and grassroots advocacy through New York Foundation grants serves as a catalyst for change and a beacon of support for those working to make a difference in local and underrepresented communities.

Provides small grants of $10,000 to local businesses to enable them to continue operating, adapt to changing circumstances, and contribute to the state’s overall economic recovery.

New York Foundation grants are a valuable resource that provides assistance to communities and small businesses in need of financial assistance. Whether you want to expand services, develop innovative solutions or support community initiatives, this grant can provide the necessary funding to turn your ideas into reality.

The Tourism Back to Work Program is a grant program offered by New York to support the tourism industry’s recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. The program provides financial grants to small businesses in the tourism industry to help them rehire employees, reopen and adapt to the new challenges and demands of the industry.

By participating in this program, you can receive $5,000 for each new full-time job and $2,500 for each new part-time job. Whether you run a hotel, restaurant, travel agency or any other travel-related business, this program can provide you with the financial support you need to recover and thrive.

New York Small Business Grant Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to receive funding through the New York Seed Capital Grant Program, entrepreneurs must meet certain eligibility requirements and demonstrate their commitment to revitalizing their industry.

The program is designed to support New York’s small businesses, particularly those that aim to create jobs, stimulate economic growth and introduce innovative business research into their fields.

Eligible businesses must be located within New York and classified as small under Small Business Administration guidelines.

Additionally, entrepreneurs must have a clear business profile and plan outlining their goals, strategies, and expected results. The plan should have a clear understanding of the market and how the business intends to succeed in the competitive environment.

Additionally, applicants must provide evidence of financial stability and viability, such as financial statements, tax returns, and credit reports. The plan also considers the business’s potential impact on the local community, including creating jobs and supporting disadvantaged groups.

Overall, the eligibility requirements for New York’s small business grants are designed to ensure that funds flow to businesses that have the potential to have a significant impact on the state’s economy. By setting these standards, the program aims to support entrepreneurs who are committed to revitalizing their industries and contributing to New York’s overall growth and prosperity.

New York Small Business Grant Application Process

When applying for funding for your small business in New York, you need to pay careful attention to detail and be prepared to successfully complete the application process.

Research the small business grants available in New York and determine which ones match your needs and goals. Research government grants as well as private grants that may be available.

Once you identify the grant that interests you, familiarize yourself with the specific eligibility requirements for each grant. In addition to the general eligibility criteria, you may need to meet other requirements, such as being located within city limits or obtaining city approval.

Next, create a budget for your business idea and determine how much money you will need. This will help you determine which grants are best for your business.

Once you have a clear understanding of the grant and its requirements, gather all the documents and information you need to apply. This may include financial statements, business plans and proof of qualifications.

Please be sure to carefully follow the application guidelines provided by the grantor and submit your application within the prescribed application deadlines.

Once an application is submitted, it will go through a review process and will be evaluated based on criteria set by the grantor. It is important to be patient at this stage and be prepared to provide any additional information that may be requested.

By carefully navigating the application process and being prepared, you can increase your chances of receiving the small business grants you need to support and grow your New York business.

Other helpful resources for New York small businesses

Explore other resources available to help New York small businesses, including mentoring programs, networking events, and online platforms that provide guidance and support for entrepreneurs. These business resources can provide valuable assistance to entrepreneurs looking for financial assistance, community development opportunities and other forms of support.

Consider the following options:

1. Mentoring Program: Connect with experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals through mentoring programs like SCORE and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). These programs provide one-on-one guidance and advice to help you navigate the challenges of running a small business.

2. Social events: Expand your professional network by attending networking events and joining industry-specific organizations. This can provide collaboration, partnership and access to valuable resources. Find local chambers of commerce, trade associations and business networking groups in your area.

3. Online platform: Take advantage of online platforms that provide guidance and support for entrepreneurs. Websites like the New York State Small Business Development Center and the Small Business Administration offer resources, webinars, and online training programs to help you improve your business skills and knowledge.

These additional resources can supplement the financial assistance provided by small business grants and loans. By leveraging these resources, New York’s small businesses can gain access to a wealth of knowledge, support, and opportunities for growth and business success.


Are there any restrictions on how small businesses can use Global New York Fund grant program funds?

There are no specific restrictions on how small businesses can use Global New York Funding Program funds. The grant program provides financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises seeking to expand exports.

What is the maximum amount a small business can receive through a New York Foundation grant?

The maximum amount of funding a small business can receive through a New York Foundation grant varies based on the specific program and grant. It is recommended to visit their website for more information.

Are there other resources or organizations besides those mentioned in this article that can assist small businesses in New York?

Yes, in addition to the grants mentioned in the article, there are additional resources and organizations available to help New York small businesses. Some examples include SCORE, the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and the New York City Business Solutions Center.

in conclusion

All in all, if you’re a small business owner in New York, there are plenty of grants available to help you.

From state and federal grants to private specific grants, there are options to meet every need. In addition to grants, there are other helpful resources available to New York’s small businesses.

By leveraging these resources and exploring available business financing opportunities, you can increase your chances of success and ensure your business remains sustainable during this challenging time.

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