Ohio brewery bans children under 16 due to ‘irresponsible parents’

As a parent, especially as a parent of young children, finding places to go out as a family can be difficult. Restaurants either tend to be geared toward adults who no longer have the urge to throw handfuls of pasta on the floor, or They’re just places where adults wouldn’t want to spend a leisurely afternoon.

For many families, local breweries happily bridge the gap: it’s a noisy environment (so if your kids get loud, it won’t disturb the polite quiet), and there’s usually room for the kids Get up and move around (many even have outdoor areas) and parents can enjoy a few drinks while they’re there.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees, prompting a Cleveland brewery to ban those under 16 from entering the premises.

Forest City Brewery founder and general manager Jay Demagall announced the news via Facebook last week.

“For the past 8 1/2 years, we have been trying to implement a policy that would allow children to enter the brewery under the supervision of a guardian,” it reads.

“Due to a few bad apples and irresponsible parents, we will no longer allow children under the age of 16. I know this is a disappointing decision for many who come here and act responsibly. , but we simply can no longer babysit for irresponsible parents who continue to put their children, our customers and our business at risk.”


“Simply put, we are a brewery,” he continued. “We are in the business of providing quality beer, food and other alcoholic beverages to adults. Frankly, children have never been part of our business plan or our atmosphere. Our staff is not equipped to monitor or care for children as their parents put them away Breweries serve as playgrounds. He went on to highlight that local breweries not only allow family consumption, but also offer them “kid-friendly menus and drinks.”

While most people applauded Forest City’s new policy, reaction to the announcement was mixed.

“Last time I was there I was ambushed by a kid wielding a mulch,” one commenter replied. “This is incredible news!”

“Wish more breweries would enforce this policy honestly,” said another. “A lot of breweries aren’t even enjoyable anymore because so many parents are letting their kids run wild like it’s a playground.”

But not everyone is excited. Despite their disappointment, even those who disagreed with the decision generally said they understood why it was made.

“Hate this news,” lamented another. “When we visited a few weeks ago, our daughter had not yet crawled over and we had become a regular on Sundays and she was in the backyard. This is a unique destination for a family who loves live music. Totally We respect your decision but we will have to use another family friendly walk instead.

Perhaps not surprisingly, many who expressed frustration were met with criticism that they should go to “Chuck E. Cheese” (as if parents were destined to never go out anywhere on their own until their kids were in high school) or “hire a Babysitter,” (as if that didn’t add an extra $100 to a day out).

The debate over whether children should be allowed in breweries is nothing new, at least not in the United States, where children are often segregated into specific “kid-friendly” spaces.

In recent years, breweries across the country have instituted policies banning not only children but also dogs, often because of the challenges unsupervised critters (furry or otherwise) pose for staff. Some facilities have compromised policies by allowing children to check in at certain times of the day and then switching to adults only.

Luckily for potential customers with kids, Demagal went on to highlight other local breweries that not only welcome families but also offer them “kid-friendly menus and beverages.”

Regardless of how any agency decides who is or cannot be a patron, the ongoing and often heated debate points to the need for a space where parents can have fun while spending time with their children. Hopefully we can find a better solution.

at the same time, Do When you are out playing, keep an eye on your children.

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