Finding out that you’re having multiple children is indeed a blessing but you get to be prepared.

Flowers in a vase that represent multiples

Congratulations! You’re having multiples. It’s exciting and now you have to hit the ground running because you don’t have a lot of time to get ready!

“There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared — Twins.”

  • Start buying diapers in bulk now – you’ll need them
  • Have a limited support team of people at your house for at least the first month
  • Make schedules for your babies
  • Be prepared as much as possible by the time you’re 30 weeks pregnant
  • Get advice from other multiple moms. There are support groups on Facebook
  • Don’t go out and buy two of everything
  • Purchase a good stroller for multiple
  • Prepare the cutest multiples birth announcement that you can

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