‘She deserves the wallet’ is the best trend on TikTok

Being a new mom can be exhausting—physically, emotionally, and of course, financially. Babies are expensive little guys! That’s why this new trend on TikTok — which is causing hundreds of people to perform random acts of kindness to help moms out — has us all in tears.

The trend, dubbed the “Purse She Deserves,” has expanded into a unique way to make money for moms in need.

Earlier this month, TikTok user Denaesha Gonzales posted a video showing a shiny wallet abandoned among Target’s baby supplies.

Denasha theorized that a new mother was likely choosing to buy something for her child instead of herself, captioning the video: “She deserves her purse.”

“To the mother who chose you in the end, you deserve the world tonight and forever,” she wrote.

The TikTok has since racked up 4.3 million likes and, among other things, inspired others to lend a helping hand to new mothers who often put their children before themselves.

One of the most popular TikToks is created by influencer Tabitha Swatosh. Tabitha also captioned her video: “The Wallet She Deserves.” Tabitha reported to Target for hiding large amounts of cash in baby products, stuffing money into diaper boxes, baby cold medicine Bags and baby formula under the lid.

Many commenters expressed their appreciation for Tabitha’s act of kindness and shared how much the gesture touched them personally.

“I’m a 19 year old mom who wants this wallet and this trend brings so much warmth to my heart 🥹,” one user wrote.

“I actually found this in a store one time when I was on WIC and could barely afford groceries, and when we got the formula we found out it was worth $100. It took the pressure off knowing we were eating that day ,” shared another.

Another influencer, Avery Woods, was inspired by her own experience as a new mother to get in on the trend.

“When I gave birth to our first child, we were broke, literally broke,” she explains. “We were on food stamps. I applied for Medicare because we didn’t have health insurance that would have allowed me to go get our kids’ ultrasounds. This has been one of the most challenging times of our lives, but we’re grateful We’ve been through it all.

Ivory chooses to hand out gift cards to moms face-to-face to ensure the money reaches the intended recipients.

Unfortunately, as this trend becomes more popular, it also attracts the attention of some bad actors. Videos posted on TikTok show people sifting through baby products in stores trying to find money that might be hidden inside.

This trend has also been criticized for being “showy”. Commenters pointed out that people filming themselves leaving or handing out money can come across as insincere.

Personally, I think it doesn’t hurt even if someone follows the trend just for the sake of likes. As long as they actually leave the money behind, mom still benefits, regardless of the original intention.

A word of caution, never tear up baby items you don’t need just for money! How disrespectful! It’s not often that we see a trend that’s so healthy and positive, and is entirely based on doing good for moms in need. Let’s try to keep it that way!

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