Technology is here to stay, so focus on helping your digital child thrive with these 5 simple skills

I don’t know if it’s because I’m a Xennial and Google can literally read my mind, or if artificial intelligence may take over my job at some point, but the pace of technology advancement kind of scares the crap out of me. Even so, I know that the best thing I can do as a parent is prepare my children (and myself) to have a healthy relationship with technology.

“As technology becomes an increasingly important part of our lives, it’s critical that we create the conditions for families to use technology healthily,” said Dr. Lee, former director of the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education and author of Digitalization for good ——He said this framework requires intentional and active guidance and modeling from parents.

It may seem like a no-brainer, but for many parents, managing their relationship with technology isn’t as easy as it is for others. If you often find yourself staring at your phone or aimlessly scrolling through your social media accounts multiple times a day, you can probably relate. This is where the modeling part comes in, and why it’s so important whole familynot just kids, practice their digital happiness skills.

And, no, this doesn’t mean cutting off the entire family from technology and moving to a desert island (although I am be tempted). Rather, it means learning to use technology proactively and effectively. Take a positive attitude, not a negative one, Kurata says Nois the most encouraging and sustainable way for children to succeed in the digital world.

In his book, Culatta highlights five positive skills that parents and children should develop to maintain a good relationship with technology, which families can use as a starting point and regular reference.

  • keep balance: Understand when and how much technology is healthy. Balancing screen time with other fun and important activities and priorities makes it easier to detach from technology and avoid technology addiction.
  • Stay informed: Distinguish between true and false information. Technology can help increase curiosity, but parents must teach their children that not everything they read or see is true and show them how to find reliable sources.
  • inclusive: Be respectful and kind to others online. The same rules that apply to bullying in schools apply online. Children should be aware of unacceptable behavior (their own or that of others) and know when to seek help from an adult.
  • got engaged: Using technology to strengthen family relationships and community connections. Screen time can be family or community activities (movies, games, study, etc.) that encourage participation. Technology is also a useful tool for maintaining relationships with distant friends and family.
  • stay alert: Exercise caution and create a safe digital space for others. Parents should educate their children about online safety and monitor their children’s screen time activities.

It’s also important to remember that while there are a variety of opinions and sobering statistics on the subject of screen time, the nature of digital advancement means technology has been, and will continue to be, an important part of our daily lives. This means that our engagement with technology is often beyond our direct control. Work- and school-related activities that require screen use are just one example.

However, Curata reminds us, “Our collective responsibility is to educate a generation of digital citizens who are not just consumers of technology, but thoughtful and active contributors who practice being upstanding members of the digital world.”

The point is, eliminating technology from our families’ lives is impractical and may not be the answer. Rather, it is establishing and adhering to a positive framework of use that will make a huge difference in the impact technology ultimately has on us, our families, and global society.

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